Hamilton Journal News

Art & Earth Day returns to Pyramid Hill

- By Ginny McCabe Contributi­ng Writer

In celebratio­n of Earth Day and Internatio­nal Sculpture Day, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum will host Art & Earth Day on Saturday.

“We love highlighti­ng the intersecti­on of art and nature, and especially when we can work with our local universiti­es and environmen­tal partners to educate our community,” said Sarah Templeton Wilson, executive director at Pyramid Hill.

Art & Earth Day at Pyramid Hill will be held from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

The event will be included with the price of admission to the park. Adult admission is $10; children ages 6-12 are $5 and ages 5 and younger are free. Admission is free for members. For more informatio­n, go to pyramidhil­l.org.

“Art & Earth Day is a chance for us all to celebrate the connection­s between the natural world and human creativity,” said Maria Jenkins, education and programs manager at Pyramid Hill.

“This year, we’re highlighti­ng local artists and university students who are seeking creative solutions to environmen­tal issues, whether that’s through sustainabl­e practices or by communicat­ing a conservati­on message. We’re thrilled to see the new student work from our local university partners and to hear about the work of exemplary local artists. We hope visitors will be inspired to use their creativity to support environmen­tal health in their homes and communitie­s,” Jenkins said.

Pyramid Hill will celebrate Art & Earth Day with an installati­on and a tour of student works from noon-1 p.m. throughout the park. Guests will hear from University of Cincinnati’s DAAP and the Art Academy of Cincinnati students and learn about their new outdoor sculpture works.

The Opossum Scavenger Hunt will be from noon-5 p.m. at the pavilion. Attendees can join in on a student-created scavenger hunt featuring artful renditions of these charismati­c creatures. This is opossum-themed; no North American marsupials will be present.

There will be a panel discussion on “Art and Sustainabi­lity” from 3-4 p.m. at the Gallery Museum. Participan­ts will discover how art can influence sustainabi­lity, and how sustainabi­lity influences art.

Guests will hear from local sculptor Roscoe Wilson, painter Devan Horton and fiber artist Amber Ostaszewsk­i and learn about the roles that nature and environmen­tal conservati­on play in their work. The discussion is included with park admission.

Visitors can view the new “Mounds, Moon, and Stars” exhibition alongside the park’s collection of ancient and contempora­ry sculptures and 300-plus acres of forests and fields. Curated by Marcus Boroughs and Belinda Gore of Great Circle Alliance, the exhibition will share the architectu­re, art and astronomy of the

Hopewell culture. “Mounds, Moon, and Stars” was funded by a grant from Greater Cincinnati Foundation.

The exhibition was curated by the Great Circle Alliance and made possible with funding in part by Ohio Humanities.

“There is so much to be learned about the Hopewell culture, and getting informatio­n directly from the source is going to be the best way to learn about it,” said Delaney French, marketing and sales manager at Pyramid Hill.

“There is going to be a lot of informatio­n and new experience­s that people are going to be able to gain from the exhibition,” she said.

Art & Earth Day will also feature an adult workshop, Container Gardening with Native Plants, from 1–2:30 p.m. at the amphitheat­er.

Participan­ts will learn how to grow native plants, even in small spaces, in the workshop led by Casey Sumner of Sustainabl­e Sights Landscapin­g.

Pre-registrati­on is required. The cost is $20 for members and $30 for nonmembers and includes park admission, all tools needed, and at least two native plants to take home.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A visitor plays during Art & Earth Day at Pyramid Hill. The annual event will be held Saturday at the Hamilton park. Special programmin­g and activities that celebrate art and nature are planned throughout the day.
CONTRIBUTE­D A visitor plays during Art & Earth Day at Pyramid Hill. The annual event will be held Saturday at the Hamilton park. Special programmin­g and activities that celebrate art and nature are planned throughout the day.
 ?? ?? Visitors to Art & Earth Day will have lots of opportunit­ies to make and view art.
Visitors to Art & Earth Day will have lots of opportunit­ies to make and view art.

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