Hamilton Journal News

Butler County group gets $2M for lead abatement work

- Staff Report

A Butler County aid agency will receive more than $2 million in grant money and use it to protect families from the dangers of toxic lead.

The Supports to Encourage Low-Income Families’ funding of $2,075,000 was part of $5.8 million announced this month by the state.

“In Ohio, we’re taking an aggressive and proactive approach by targeting communitie­s with the greatest need, ensuring all Ohioans have an equal chance at a safer and more prosperous future,” Gov. Mike DeWine said.

The funding will be used toward projects in Butler County such as waterline replacemen­t, window and door replacemen­t, siding enclosure, soffit enclosure, porch component repair, and lead cleaning efforts. Funding was made available to entities in all 88 counties based on high-risk ZIP codes, the number of homes built before 1978, and the percentage of low-to-moderate-income households in the state.

The new funding pushes the program’s total to $90 million for lead remediatio­n in 76 counties.

The other counties receiving funding this month were: Clermont County $930,000, Darke

County $642,000, Franklin County $1,847,000, and Ironton-Lawrence County $323,000.

“These grants expand our reach to more counties so we can protect additional children in Ohio from the lasting effects lead poisoning can cause,” said Lt. Gov. Jon Husted. “Every dollar invested through this program is a dollar invested in the future of our state.”

The Lead Safe Ohio Program

was establishe­d with $150 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds. In total, the Lead Safe Ohio program will award nearly $100 million for lead prevention and mitigation activities in eligible properties built before leadbased paint was banned in 1978.

Lead poisoning is most commonly caused by leadbased paint, which produces chips and dust when deteriorat­ing. While lead poisoning can affect individual­s of all ages, children are at the greatest risk. Children’s bodies are more susceptibl­e to the harmful effects of lead and are less able to detoxify their bodies of the harmful substance. Long-term exposure to lead can impact physical and mental health and the ability to learn and earn an income.

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