Hamilton Journal News

Cincinnati Rollergirl­s coming to Fitton Center

Event is season finale of Celebratin­g Self speaker series.

- By Ginny McCabe Contributi­ng Writer

The Cincinnati Rollergirl­s will share their passion for the sport of roller derby during the April Celebratin­g Self season finale at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts.

Ian MacKenzie-Thurley, executive director at the Fitton Center, said the event is part of diverse programmin­g offered there. Past sportsthem­ed topics have included FC Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Reds and Ickey Woods of the Cincinnati Bengals.

“And those are iconic, but the sport of roller derby might be a little new to the community, and there might be some that don’t know anything about it, and we’d like to bring that to Hamilton,” MacKenzie-Thurley said.

The Celebratin­g Self roller derby program will be start at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Tickets are $21 for Fitton Center members and $27 for nonmembers, plus a $1 service fee. The event is sponsored by Hamilton Caster & Mfg. Co. Lunch is included and will be provided by Two Women in a Kitchen.

MacKenzie-Thurley said the event will answer questions like “What is roller derby?” and “Who are the Cincinnati Rollergirl­s?” or “What’s with the helmets, pads and the nicknames that the players have?”

“That’s one of the great things about Celebratin­g Self. It’s not a lecture, it’s a con- versation. It’s an opportu- nity to hear about the people involved, what they are pas- sionate about, the history of the organizati­on, and most importantl­y, to ask questions,” he said.

Audiences will hear about the skaters, coaches, officials and support staff. They will also find out about the kind of roller skates used, the uni- forms and about the Wom- en’s Flat Track Derby Associatio­n. Skater and co-coach Callie Wright (skater name: Ursa Maimer) will speak at the event.

On average, 70 to 100 guests turn out for the Celebratin­g Self luncheon series.

The Journal-News spoke with Samantha Fox (skater name: Star Flatten’em), pub- lic relations director of Cin- cinnati Rollergirl­s.

Q: For those who aren’t familiar with the Cincinnati Rollergirl­s, can you tell us a little bit about the team?

A: The team has been around since 2009 . ... It’s basically just a big group of people from all over Cincinnati and sometimes, even outside the are . ... We’re all just a bunch of regular people getting together and playing a sport we really love.

Q: How do you came up with your player names?

A: It’s really individual, person-to-person. Roller derby has this history and

‘A lot of us are just really regular people. We have a lot of nurses, moms ... A lot of players usually pick a name that reflects their personalit­y.’

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Members of the Cincinnati Rollergirl­s will talk about their passion for roller derby at Fitton Center’s Celebratin­g Self speaker series season finale on Wednesday.
CONTRIBUTE­D Members of the Cincinnati Rollergirl­s will talk about their passion for roller derby at Fitton Center’s Celebratin­g Self speaker series season finale on Wednesday.

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