Hamilton Journal News

Suits over mail ballot deadlines could affect November election

- By Christine Fernando, Emily Wagster Pettus and Jack Dura

Republican­s are challengin­g extended mail ballot deadlines in at least two states in a legal maneuver that could have widespread implicatio­ns for mail voting before the presidenti­al election in November.

A lawsuit filed last week in Mississipp­i follows a similar one last year in North Dakota, both brought in heavily Republican states before conservati­ve federal courts. Democratic and voting rights groups are concerned about the potential impact beyond those two states if a judge rules that deadlines for receiving mailed ballots that stretch past Election Day, Nov. 5, violate federal law.

They say it’s possible such a decision would lead to a nationwide injunction similar to one last year when a Texas judge temporaril­y paused the FDA’s approval of the abortion pill mifepristo­ne.

“This effort risks disenfranc­hising Mississipp­i voters, but we don’t want that to also be precedent for other states,” Abhi Rahman, communicat­ions director of the Democratic Legislativ­e Campaign Committee, said in response to the most recent lawsuit.

Mississipp­i and North Dakota are among 19 states that accept late-arriving mailed ballots as long as the ballots are postmarked on or before Election Day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatur­es. That includes political swing states such as Nevada and North Carolina. Some states, including Colorado, Oregon and Utah, rely heavily on mail voting.

Former President Donald Trump has long railed against the use of mail voting, in particular when many states expanded its use during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when the Republican lost his reelection bid to Democrat Joe Biden. Trump has falsely claimed that changing vote tallies after Election Day are an indication of widespread fraud. In the wake of his loss, several Republican-controlled states moved to tighten rules around mail voting.

The Republican National Committee, the Mississipp­i Republican Party, a member of the state Republican Executive Committee and an election commission­er in one county filed a federal lawsuit on Friday against Secretary of State Michael Watson and six local election officials.

The suit challenges a Mississipp­i law that says absentee ballots in presidenti­al elections will be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day and received within five days. It argues that Mississipp­i improperly extends the federal election beyond the election date set by Congress and that, as a result, “timely, valid ballots are diluted by untimely, invalid ballots.”

“Federal law is very clear –- Election Day is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement announcing the lawsuit. “However, some states accept and count ballots days and days after Election Day, and we believe that practice is wrong.”

RNC spokespers­on Gates McGavick said the group hopes for a ruling before the presidenti­al election that state deadlines allowing ballots to be received after Election

Day violate federal law.

“This case could have major ramificati­ons in future elections — not just in Mississipp­i but across the country,” he said.

The Democratic National Committee said it is watching the cases closely and will fight any attempt to disenfranc­hise voters.

“Democrats will always stand on the side of voters against unlawful attacks on Americans’ fundamenta­l right to make their voices heard at the ballot box,” DNC deputy press secretary Nina Raneses said in a statement.

Democratic state Rep. Bryant Clark called the Mississipp­i lawsuit “another effort to try to stifle votes and stop the votes of a certain segment of the population.” He said the suit may also lead to similar efforts across the country.

Thessalia Merivaki, a political science professor at Mississipp­i State University, said the state’s mail voting process is already difficult to navigate and that eliminatin­g the five-day window would “unfairly punish” voters.

In North Dakota, a similar federal lawsuit against the state election director was filed by the conservati­ve Public Interest Legal Foundation on behalf of a county auditor who cited what he said is a conflict between state and federal law. A court is expected to decide soon whether he has the right to bring the lawsuit.

Foundation spokespers­on Lauren Bowman said a ruling that finds extended ballot deadlines violate federal law would affect other states with similar policies.

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 ?? MATT SLOCUM / AP ?? Kyle Hallman organizes mail-in ballots to be sorted for the 2020 General Election, in West Chester, Pa., on Oct. 23, 2020. Republican­s are challengin­g extended mail ballot deadlines in at least two states.
MATT SLOCUM / AP Kyle Hallman organizes mail-in ballots to be sorted for the 2020 General Election, in West Chester, Pa., on Oct. 23, 2020. Republican­s are challengin­g extended mail ballot deadlines in at least two states.

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