Hamilton Journal News

Manicures able to help with nail-biting

- Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise@ Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints received in my column.

Dear Heloise: I’m responding to Katharine B.’s letter about nail-biting that ran in a recent column. I used to bite my nails, too, so what I did was get “acrylic nails.” You can’t bite through those things! Then I tried “gel” nails, and you can’t really bite though them either.

Years later, I went back to getting my nails done the regular way, and I still don’t bite them. It helped me kick the habit. So, I just thought I’d pass this info along to you. Good luck! — Barbara, in California

Freezer storage

Dear Heloise: For freezer storage, I keep the wax paper that cereal comes in and use this in lieu of boxes because it helps make more room in the freezer. I usually cut the instructio­ns off of the boxes and stick them to the item it comes with so it’s less bulky in the freezer. And you can arrange items accordingl­y — beef, chicken, dry ingredient­s (rice, pastas, sugar and flour). — Carol, via email

Bathroom courtesies

Dear Heloise: For the convenienc­e of guests and family, I always keep the following in my bathrooms: tissue dispensers, extra toilet paper and something to absorb or cover any unpleasant odors. I sometimes make a cover for the tissue and toilet paper — something that complement­s the color scheme. — A Reader, via email

Coffee filter uses

Dear Heloise: A local store in my neighborho­od always has lots of extra, large-sized coffee filters that usually get tossed out. I started bringing them home and using them to drain fried food on, since they don’t stic to the foods.

I also layer two to thr filters inside the microwave to soak up spills or butter from popcorn -and to cover foods that splatter, especially soups. They don’t disintegra­te like paper towels do, so there are lots of uses for them instead of just tossing them out. — A.T., via email

Cleaning reusable storage bags

Dear Heloise: I like using reusable food storage bags to store leftovers, premade green smoothies and soup. I freeze the food in heavyduty storage bags. The bags take up less space and can be used over and over again.

Cleaning the bags is easy, but getting them to dry completely can be a challenge. I’ve tried different methods, but my favorite is wiping out the inside with a clean, soft towel. Then I ball up a small, clean dish cloth and place it in the open bag to help the air circulate. By the next day, the bag is completely dry and ready for storage. I don’t worry about lingering moisture during storage. — T.V., in Ohio

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