Hamilton Journal News

Linken continues push to keep war contained

- By Matthew Lee

DOHA, Qatar — On another urgent diplomatic mission to the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Sunday with Arab partners to press for their help in tamping down resurgent fears that Israel’s three-month war against Hamas in Gaza could spread.

In discussion­s with Qatar’s emir and Jordan’s king, Blinken spoke of the need for Israel to adjust its military operations to reduce civilian casualties and significan­tly boost the amount of human- itarian aid reaching Gaza, while stressing the importance of preparing detailed plans for the post-conflict during a joint news confer- planning, arguing that the future of the Palestinia­n ter- ence with Sheikh Moham- fighting must end before ritory, which has been dec- med. “So from day one, such discussion­s can begin. imated by Israeli bombard- among other priorities, we They have been demanding ments. have been intensely focused a cease-fire since mid-Oc

The mission — that will on working to prevent the tober as civilian casualties also take him to the United conflict from spreading.” began to skyrocket.

Arab Emirates, Saudi AraBlinken said it is has been After his talks with bia, Israel, the West Bank a major focus of his discus- Blinken, Sheikh Mohamand Egypt before he returns sion with all of the leaders he med called for an immeto Washington — is Blinken’s has met with in recent days. diate cease-fire, saying the fourth to the region since the “We share a commitment constant images of death war began on Oct. 7. to ensure that the conflict and destructio­n in Gaza are

After a day of talks with does not expand,” he said. de-sensitizin­g people to the Turkish and Greek leadHe said they also have dis- horrors of what is happeners in Istanbul and Crete, cussed what each country ing.

Blinken met with Jordan’s can do once the conflict is “This is a big test for our King Abdullah II and For- over “to provide the assur- humanity,” he said. “We eign Minister Ayman Safadi ances and the incentives are looking for a sustainin Amman before travel- required to build a more able future, however the ing to Doha for talks with secure and more stable, focus is now on stopping Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim more peaceful future.” the fighting.” bin Hamad Al Thani and For“And my takeaway from King Abdullah “warned of eign Minister Sheikh Moham- the discussion so far, includ- the catastroph­ic repercusme­d bin Abdulrahma­n Al ing here with our friends in sions” of the war in Gaza Thani to seek buy-in for U.S. Qatar, is that our partners while calling on the U.S. efforts to tamp down resur- are willing to have these dif- to press for an immediate gent fears that the war could ficult conversati­ons and to cease-fire, a statement from engulf the region, ramp up make hard decisions. All of the Royal Court said. aid to Gaza and prepare for us feel a stake in forging the Israel has refused to agree an eventual end of hostilitie­s. way forward.” to a cease-fire and the U.S.

“This is a conflict that Jordan and other Arab has instead called for speccould easily metastasiz­e, states have been highly ified temporary “humanicaus­ing even more insecu- critical of Israel’s actions tarian pauses” to allow aid rity and even more suffer- and have eschewed pub- to get in and people to get ing,” Blinken told reporters lic support for long-term to safety.

 ?? EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / POOL ?? U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani at Lusail Palace in Lusail, Qatar, on Sunday. Blinken also met with Jordan’s king n Amman.
EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / POOL U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani at Lusail Palace in Lusail, Qatar, on Sunday. Blinken also met with Jordan’s king n Amman.

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