Hamilton Journal News

Poland defense forces: ‘Everything indicates’ Russian missile briefly entered its airspace

- By Monika Scislowska

rarily entering Polish airspace,” the White House said.

WA R S AW, Poland — Sullivan pledged techPoland’s defense forces said nical assistance to Poland an unknown object entered and assured that President the country’s airspace Fri- Joe Biden was following the day morning from the direc- issue closely. tion of Ukraine and then vanIt was not immediatel­y ished off radars, and that clear where the object disall indication­s pointed to appeared from radar or in it being a Russian missile. which direction it had been

“Everything indicates that going. Troops were mobia Russian missile intruded lized to identify and find it. in Poland’s airspace. It was There were no immediate monitored by us on radars reports of any explosion or and left the airspace. We casualties. have confirmati­on of this The governor of Lublin on radars and from allies” in province in eastern Poland, NATO, said Poland’s armed Krzysztof Komorski, told forces chief, Gen. Wiesław the Onet news portal that Kukuła. the object appeared on

Poland’s defense forces radars near the town of said the object penetrated Hrubieszow, where a borabout 24 miles into its air- der crossing with Ukraine space and left it after less is located. Komorski said than three minutes. The he had no informatio­n to defense forces said both indicate it landed in Lubits radar and NATO radar lin province. confirmed that the object Poland’s border with left Polish airspace. Ukraine is also the Euro

Kukula said steps were pean Union and NATO borbeing taken to verify those der with Ukraine. findings and eliminate the Prime Minister Donald possibilit­y of a technical Tusk convened a meeting error. with the defense minister,

There was no comment military commanders and from Russian officials. heads of national security

NATO Secretary General bodies, followed by a meetJens Stoltenber­g said on X, ing of the National Secuformer­ly Twitter, that he rity Bureau with President had spoken with Poland’s Andrzej Duda, the supreme president about the “mis- commander of Poland’s sile incident” and said NATO armed forces. was vigilant and monitoring Duda said through an aide the situation “as the facts that there was “no threat at are establishe­d.” the moment” and nothing

U.S. National Security to suggest that “anything Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke bad” should be expected. with the head of Poland’s “The most important National Security Bureau, is that no one was hurt,” Jacek Siewiera, to express said the aide, Grazyna the “United States’ solidar- Ignaczak-Bandych. ity with Poland, our close

NATO ally, as it deals with reports of a missile tempo

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