Hamilton Journal News

New president lays off 5,000 government employees


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — The administra­tion of Argentina’s new President Javier Milei said on Tuesday that his government won’t renew contracts for more than 5,000 employees hired this year before he took office.

The move was part of a sweeping plan of cutbacks and devaluatio­ns announced by the right-wing libertaria­n since he took office on Dec. 10 to transform Argentina’s struggling economy.

The contracts for other government employees, who were hired prior to 2023, will be reviewed, authoritie­s said. The 2023 cutoff is apparently meant to target the practice of outgoing presidents padding the payrolls in their final year.

With inflation expected to reach about 200% by the end of the year, Milei has pledged to reduce government regulation­s and payrolls, and allow the privatizat­ion of state-run industries as a way to boost exports and investment.

The cutbacks have already drawn protests but Milei has vowed to forge ahead.

“The goal is (to) start on the road to rebuilding our country, return freedom and autonomy to individual­s and start to transform the enormous amount of regulation­s that have blocked, stalled and stopped economic growth,” he said.

Approximat­ely 300 changes announced previously would earmark many government companies for privatizat­ion, and loosen protection­s for renters, employees and shoppers.

The steps include a 50% devaluatio­n of the Argentine peso, cuts to energy and transporta­tion subsidies, and the closure of some government ministries. They come amid soaring inflation and rising poverty.

Milei, a 53-year-old economist who rose to fame on television with profanity-laden tirades against what he called the political caste, became president with the support of Argentines disillusio­ned with the economic crisis.

 ?? MATILDE CAMPODONIC­O / AP ?? Argentina’s newly sworn-in President Javier Milei (left) and his sister, Karina, arrive at the Colon Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Dec. 10.
MATILDE CAMPODONIC­O / AP Argentina’s newly sworn-in President Javier Milei (left) and his sister, Karina, arrive at the Colon Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Dec. 10.

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