Hamilton Journal News

Migrant caravan slogs on with no expectatio­ns from a US-Mexico meeting


dor confirmed last week that U.S. officials want Mexico to do more to block HUIXTLA, Mexico — migrants at its southern Under a beating sun, thou- border with Guatemala, sands of migrants in a car- or make it more difficult avan continued to trudge to move across Mexico by through southern Mexico train or in trucks or buses on Tuesday, with some say- — a policy known as “coning they expect nothing tention.” good from an upcoming But the president said meeting this week between that in exchange, he wants American and Mexican offi- the United States to send cials about the migrant more developmen­t aid to surge at the U.S. border. migrants’ home countries,

The migrants passed by and to reduce or eliminate Mexico’s main inland immi- sanctions against Cuba and gration inspection point Venezuela, noting “that is outside the town of Huix- what we are going to distla, in southern Chiapas cuss, it is not just contenstat­e. National Guard offi- tion.” cers there made no attempt Some on the caravan, like to stop the estimated 6,000 Norbey Díaz Rios, a migrant members of the caravan. from Colombia, said turn

The migrants were trying ing back was not an option. to make it to the next town, Díaz Rios, 46, said he left Villa Comaltitla­n, about 11 his home because of threats miles northwest of Huix- from criminal gangs, and tla. In the past, Mexico has plans to ask for asylum in let migrants go through, the U.S. trusting that they would “You know that you are tire themselves out walk- walking for a purpose, ing along the highway. No with a goal in mind, but it migrant caravan has ever is unsure if you are going walked the 1,000 miles to to make it, or what obstathe U.S. border. cles you will find along the

U.S. officials are expected way,” said Díaz Rios. “I to press Mexico to stop can’t return to Colombia.” more migrants at a meeting “They should give me a scheduled for Wednesday. chance to remain in a coun

The meeting “will be try where I can get papers between fools and fools, and work and provide for who want to use women my family,” he added. and children as trading U.S. Secretary of State pieces,” said migrant activ- Antony Blinken, Homeland ist Luis García Villagrán, Security Secretary Alejanone of the organizers of dro Mayorkas and White the caravan. “We are not House homeland security trading pieces for any pol- adviser Liz Sherwood-Ranitician.” dall will travel to Mexico

“What Mexico wants City for the talks. is the money, the money This month, as many to detain and deport as 10,000 migrants were migrants,” Villagrán said. arrested daily at the south

Mexican President west U.S. border.

Andrés Manuel López Obra

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