Hamilton Journal News

Trust gives grants to 36 history projects


With the awarding of grants in a Fall round of funding, the W. E. Smith Family Charitable Trust this year has given grants to 36 history-related projects from libraries, museums, school programs, and other organizati­ons across Southweste­rn Ohio.

The fall grants of nearly $33,200 brings the total of grants for the year to $97,200. Requests for support were submitted for display and storage materials for collection­s; computer equipment to manage collection­s; school and community outreach programs; publishing projects documentin­g historic events or early settlers in the area; materials for archival projects, technology-enhanced applicatio­ns for virtual tours of facilities, and other events and programs.

The Smith Trust was establishe­d by the estate of Ophia Smith, longtime Oxford resident and wife of W. E. Smith, who chaired Miami University’s history department and was first Director of the William Holmes McGuffey Museum. Together, they collaborat­ed on research and writing of a three-volume “History of Southweste­rn Ohio: The Miami Valleys,” and other published works, both together and separately.

Grants this Fall went to: Atrium Medical Center Foundation: In partial support continuing stories and photograph­s for a published series of Legends brochures chroniclin­g the history of Atrium (formerly Middletown Regional

Butler County Historical Society - Heritage Hall McCloskey Museum: For signage, supplies and exhibit developmen­t and to conserve illustrati­ons of Robert McCloskey works

Cincinnati Northern Model Rail Road Club: In support of fees for web site hosting of the club’s site depicting the history of the Cincinnati Northern Railroad

Cummins Local History Room, Lane Library: Continuing the library’s digitizati­on of newspaper holdings including Hamilton Journal-News, Fairfield Echo and Pulse-Journal, plus some Oxford Press issues not previously completed

Friends of Chrisholm Historic Farmstead: For costs associated with two exhibits involving the Otelia Augspurger Compton Legacy and family tree, and the Oppenheime­r/ Compton connection with the Manhatten Project

Friends of White Water Shaker Village: Program cost assistance; mounting stand for computer tablet for use by people unable to access interior, especially second floor, of Shaker building, and costs for promotiona­l materials with Harrison Chamber

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