Hamilton Journal News

Israeli minister vows to fight on in Gaza despite rising pressure

- By Najib Jobain and Kareem Chehayeb

RAFAH, Gaza Strip — Israel’s defense minister said Thursday it will take “more than several months” to destroy Hamas, predicting a drawn-out war even as his country and its top ally, the United States, face increasing internatio­nal isolation and alarm over the devastatio­n from Israel’s campaign in Gaza.

Yoav Gallant’s comments ahead of talks in Tel Aviv with U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan underscore­d a dynamic that has held between the two allies for weeks.

The Biden administra­tion has shown unease over Israel’s failure to reduce civilian casualties and its plans for the future of Gaza, but it continues to offer wholeheart­ed support for Israel’s campaign with weapons and diplomatic backing. Meanwhile, Israeli leaders have repeatedly said they plan to pursue their military assault until Hamas is crushed, though any hopes of a swift victory have vanished.

A deadly Hamas ambush on Israeli troops in Gaza City this week showed the group’s resilience and called into question whether Israel can defeat it without wiping out the entire territory.

Gallant said Hamas has been building military infrastruc­ture in Gaza for more than a decade, “and it is not easy to destroy them. It will require a period of time.”

“It will last more than several months, but we will win, and we will destroy them,” he said.

Israel has imposed a total siege on northern Gaza, including Gaza City, and has flattened much of it in what is already one of the 21st century’s most devastatin­g military campaign. Sullivan’s visit comes days after President Joe Biden said Israel was losing internatio­nal support because of its “indiscrimi­nate bombing.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to fight to the end, “even given the great pain and the internatio­nal pressure,” saying late Wednesday that “nothing will stop us.”

Meanwhile, the Palestinia­n telecommun­ications provider Paltel said Thursday that all communicat­ion services across Gaza were cut off due to ongoing fighting, severing the besieged territory from the outside world.

Heavy fighting has raged for days in areas around eastern Gaza City that were encircled earlier in the war. Tens of thousands of people remain in the north despite repeated evacuation orders, saying they don’t feel safe anywhere in Gaza or fear they may never be allowed to return to their homes if they leave.

The military released footage Thursday showing Israeli troops leading a line of dozens of men with their hands above their heads out of a damaged building it said was the Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north Gaza town of Beit Lahia. Men brought out four assault rifles and set them on the street along with several ammunition magazines.

In the video, a commander said militants had fired on troops from the hospital and that troops were evacuating those inside while detaining suspected militants. The claims could not be independen­tly verified. Earlier in the week, a Gaza Health Ministry official said the weapons inside belong to the hospital’s guards.

Israeli troops have held the hospital since Tuesday, according to the Health Ministry and U.N. During that time, 70 medical workers and patients were detained, including the hospital director, they said.

Several thousand displaced people sheltering there were evacuated after the raid, and the remaining patients

— including 12 children in intensive care — will be taken to Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, the Health Ministry said.

Israel says it is rounding up men in northern Gaza as it searches for Hamas fighters, and recent videos have shown dozens of detained men stripped to their underwear, bound and blindfolde­d in the streets. Some released detainees have said they were beaten and denied food and water.

In the video released by the military on Thursday, all the men appeared fully clothed except the four carrying weapons, who were shirtless.

Israel’s air and ground assault, launched in response to Hamas’ unpreceden­ted attack into southern Israel on Oct. 7, has killed more than 18,700 Palestinia­ns, according to the Health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza.

The ministry does not differenti­ate between civilian and combatant deaths. Its latest count did not specify how many were women and minors, but they have consistent­ly made up around twothirds of the dead in previous tallies. Thousands more are missing and feared dead beneath the rubble.

Nearly 1.9 million Palestinia­ns have been driven from their homes, with most seeking refuge in the south, even as Israel has continued to strike what it says are militant targets in all parts of the territory.

Residents reported two Israeli airstrikes overnight in Rafah, along the Egyptian border. An Associated Press reporter saw 27 bodies brought into a local hospital early Thursday.

One woman burst into tears after recognizin­g the body of her child.

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 ?? HATEM ALI / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Palestinia­n children walk after an Israeli strike on residentia­l buildings in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on Thursday.
HATEM ALI / ASSOCIATED PRESS Palestinia­n children walk after an Israeli strike on residentia­l buildings in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on Thursday.

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