


CHEATER Scott Peterson was the most hated man in America when he was convicted of the monstrous 2002 Christmas Eve murder of his eight-monthspreg­nant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Connor!

But now, incredibly, the rest of the 51-year-old’s life — which he’s sentenced to spend behind bars — hangs by a shred of duct tape and a stained mattress!

As GLOBE reported last issue, pro bono legal eagles with the Los Angeles Innocence Project are appealing Scott’s 2004 conviction, which already was tainted when his death sentence was overturned, based on new evidence including:

1. A burglar’s documented claim his crony threatened

Laci when she witnessed them robbing a neighborho­od house while walking her dog just hours before she vanished.

2. Possible bloodstain­s on a mattress in an orange van, apparently used by burglars to carry their loot, that was seen parked in Laci’s neighborho­od when she went missing.

3. Duct tape found in a shopping bag near where

Laci and her unborn child’s remains were discovered at San Francisco Bay.

Innocence Project lawyers theorize if DNA testing shows the mattress stain is Laci’s blood and the duct tape contains her skin cells along with those of someone other than Scott, then it points to the burglars killing the housewife and dumping her remains in the bay.

That means lowlife Scott, who’s definitely guilty of secretly romancing massage therapist Amber Frey during the last weeks of Laci’s pregnancy, is innocent of the murders!

A lot of “ifs” and the whole case depends on DNA test results. Lawmen are taking heat from those claiming they didn’t thoroughly investigat­e the burglary side of the case.

However, skeptics say there are big clues Scott is guilty — he secretly was planning a future with galpal Amber and Laci’s corpse was found in the same area — 90 miles from their home — where her hubby took his boat on a trailer to go fishing the morning after she disappeare­d. Laci’s body bobbed to the surface two months later.

Whatta coincidenc­e!

If the robbers killed her, how did they happen to dump her by Scott’s fishing hole? Did they deliberate­ly try to frame him? That seems like a stretch.

Still, if the DNA points elsewhere and Scott gets off, it’ll be a tale worth a bigscreen movie, a miniseries documentar­y and countless books!

 ?? ?? Scott Peterson is doing life for the murder of pregnant wife Laci — but his conviction is
being appealed
Scott Peterson is doing life for the murder of pregnant wife Laci — but his conviction is being appealed

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