

Sonar shows plane resting 16,000 feet under the Pacific


FAMED female flier Amelia Earhart vanished over r the South Pacific cific without a trace 87 years ago, but now former Air Force intelligen­ce officer Tony Romeo insists his $11 million search has located her plane 16,000 feet below the surface on the Pacific Ocean floor.

Using a high-tech sonar device on a submersibl­e drone, Romeo says his 16-man team located an airplanesh­aped object on the ocean floor that he believes is Earhart’s Lockheed 10-E Electra. Now experts are urging him to keep going — and provide deepwater photograph­s that could confirm his claim.

“This is maybe the most exciting thing I I’ll ever do in my life,” says Rom Romeo, who’s sold commercial properties to finance his search. “I feel like a ten-year-old going on a treasure hunt.”

Romeo compares Earhart’s fame to today’s Taylor Swift when she vanished at age 39 on July 2, 1937, near Howland Island while attempting to fly around the globe with navigator Fred Noonan.

The flying femme had previously been the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the U.S. She accomplish­ed similar feats over the Atlantic and over the Pacific, going from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.

“For her to go missing was just unthinkabl­e,” Romeo says. “Imagine Taylor Swift just disappeari­ng today.”

Romeo and his two brothers, all pilots, studied Earhart’s flight path, fuel capacity and radio transmissi­ons.

Following a month of scouring 5,200 square miles of ocean floor with the submersibl­e drone, they found the airplane-shaped object 5,000 meters down and less than 100 miles from Howland Island, which is halfway between America and Australia. Earhart was searching for the atoll when she vanished.

Smithsonia­n curator Dorothy Cochrane says the object lines up in the area where experts believe Earhart may have crashed after running out of fuel.

However, another theory is Earhart and Noonan crashlande­d on the uninhabite­d island Nikumaroro, where tools and aircraft wreckage were discovered, and the dying adventurer­s were eaten by giant crabs.

Romeo plans another expedition to take better pictures and end the Earhart mystery once and for all.

 ?? ?? A plane-shaped object was found by a submersibl­e drone, Romeo says
Earhart vanished in 1937 while attempting to circle the globe
A plane-shaped object was found by a submersibl­e drone, Romeo says Earhart vanished in 1937 while attempting to circle the globe
 ?? ?? Earhart’s Lockheed Electra taking off in California on the first leg of her journey
Earhart’s Lockheed Electra taking off in California on the first leg of her journey
 ?? ?? Tony Romeo calls his find “maybe the most exciting thing I’ll ever do”
Tony Romeo calls his find “maybe the most exciting thing I’ll ever do”
 ?? ??

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