


KEEPING some simple health metrics in check — as defined by the American Heart Associatio­n’s Life’s Essential 8 checklist — can help adults shave up to SIX years off their biological age!

Scientists at Columbia University came to that conclusion after studying biomarker data from more than 6,500 people with an average age of 47 and determinin­g how closely they adhered to these vital measures:

EAT BETTER: Opt for whole foods, fruits and vegetables, lean protein, nuts and seeds. Cook in olive oil or canola oil — instead of palm oil, coconut oil or shea butter.

BE MORE ACTIVE: Engage in at least two and a half hours

of moderate physical activity per week. AVOID SMOKING: Stub out tobacco and e-cig habits to protect the lungs.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP: Most adults need seven to nine hours of shut-eye a night. Adequate rest has been credited with promoting healing, improving brain function and re

ducing the risk for chronic diseases.

FIGHT THE FLAB: Maintainin­g a healthy weight can help lower odds of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. CONTROL CHOLESTERO­L:

High levels of artery-clogging LDL — or bad cholestero­l — can lead to heart disease and strokes.

MANAGE BLOOD SUGAR: Elevated glucose levels can even

tually damage the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. MONITOR BLOOD PRESSURE:

Uncontroll­ed blood pressure can cause heart attack or stroke, kidney problems and dementia.

Columbia’s Nour Makarem says, “Greater adherence to all Life’s Essential 8 metrics — and improving your cardiovasc­ular health — can slow down your body’s aging process and have a lot of benefits down the line.”

 ?? ?? Eat healthy foods and monitor your blood pressure
Eat healthy foods and monitor your blood pressure
 ?? ?? Getting a good night’s sleep has several benefits
Getting a good night’s sleep has several benefits

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