

French artist flew on Lolita Express with A-list pals


GLAMOROUS Parisian art dealer Alexia Wallaert could be the key to unraveling the kinky mysteries of the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his powerful pals like Prince Andrew, but insiders say the sophistica­ted beauty is terrified talking will mark her for death.

While the 51-year-old is being urged to speak with American lawmen, she’s so far refused, saying, “I am not going to discuss my friends.”

But an insider insists Wallaert fears dishing the dirt could be fatal.

“It’s common knowledge this woman wants to speak up and tell authoritie­s everything she knows, but ut she’s terrified to do so because it would ultimately endanger her life!” says a source.

“She’s well aware of the string of myste- rious deaths that have occurred involving others tied to Epstein since he was found hanging in that cell. Alexia is petrified she could go the same way if she sticks her neck out.”

Recently released d documents in the E Epstein case reveal Al Alexia flew a dozen times on Epstein’s private jets from 2000 to 2002.

One May 12, 2000, trip from New York to Palm Beach, Fla., onboard Epstein’s

Boeing 727 — dubbed the Lolita Express for ferrying underage sex slaves to the perv’s various homes — lists Alexia along with fellow passengers Andrew, Epstein and the predator’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell, now serving 20 years in a Florida slammer for sex traffickin­g underage girls.

The 11 other flights include four more on the Lolita Express and two on smaller planes to Epstein’s orgy island in the Virgin Islands, where he had teenage massage girls entertain his wealthy and powerful male guests.

Alexia, who was about 30 at the time of the trips, is also listed in Epstein’s notorious little black book containing contact numbers of his powerful pals including the Duke of York, Microsoft mogul Bill Gates and former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. All the men deny wrongdoing — or knowledge of Epstein’s sleazy sex traffickin­g.

But former British government official Norman Baker insists, “This woman needs to be spoken to by the authoritie­s to find out what she was doing on that plane, what if anything she knew about Andrew and Epstein and their relationsh­ip.”

Meanwhile, former socialite Maxwell, 62, is reportedly peddling a tell-all memoir penned in her Tallahasse­e prison cell, but an insider insists her book is a total whitewash.

“She says documents present in court and witness testimony is filled with misinforma­tion,” says the source.

“She’s bragging about the book, but it sounds like the same old lies she has told a thousand times.”

 ?? ?? Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his madam Ghislaine Maxwell traveled with Alexia, flight logs show
Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his madam Ghislaine Maxwell traveled with Alexia, flight logs show
 ?? ?? Alexia Wallaert flew on Epstein’s aircraft many times but won’t talk to cops, sources reveal
Alexia Wallaert flew on Epstein’s aircraft many times but won’t talk to cops, sources reveal
 ?? ?? Bill Clinton and Maxwell took a trip together on Lolita Express
Bill Clinton and Maxwell took a trip together on Lolita Express
 ?? ?? Prince Andrew
Prince Andrew

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