

Plastic surgery hell for pretty boy, 72


HOLLYWOOD heartthrob Kurt Russell may never act again after his former matinee idol looks were savaged by botched plastic surgery that left a golf ball– sized hole in his neck, insiders tattle.

Shocking photos reveal Goldie Hawn’s longtime lover was left unrecogniz­able — and deformed — by a bungled neck lift that also seems to have twisted his lips, according to medical experts.

Top cosmetic surgeons insist the damage is permanent and can’t be fixed, leaving the 72-year-old former leading man looking monstrous after blowing an estimated $60,000 to restore his lost youth!

Seattle plastic surgeon Dr. Javad Sajan viewed recent photos of the Tombstone stud and grimly notes Kurt “had a botched neck lift and lower facelift” and “the only way to correct this would be to do a revision,” but even then “it may not even be correctabl­e!”

The nip/tuck expert points to the star’s nightmare neck, which has “an indentatio­n and contour deformity. This happens oftentimes when you have a botched neck lift,” says Sajan. “When you look at his neck there is an incision indentatio­n right below the chin and then when you look further back, the skin is folding onto what appears to be his hyoid bone, or a neck bone.

“This happens during the procedure when there is over-resection of tissue and too much fat is removed or muscle.”

Unfortunat­ely, he believes the Furious 7 star “had too much muscle removed, too much fat removed, and then the skin wasn’t adequately removed, causing an indentatio­n.

“When too much muscle is removed, and the skin isn’t redraped smoothly, you get the indentatio­n he has.”

The doc also notes “when he smiles, there’s a contour regularity to the side of the left corner of the mouth due to inadequate tissue release during a lower facelift.

“The tissue was not released during surgery. It got stuck there while everything else was pulled. That’s why you see some areas of tightness and some areas of looseness.”

Atlanta-based plastic surgeon Dr. Nicholas Jones believes Kurt has “definitely” undergone a recent surgical refurbishm­ent to freshen up a facelift that was performed roughly a decade ago!

“These surgeries don’t last forever so you can either have a revision — redo the facelift — or undertake a different procedure,” Jones says. “What it looks like is that Kurt had some liposuctio­n of his neck

The former action hero hunk reportedly spent $60G to restore his lost youth with skin tightening.

“The divot that you can clearly see in the neck area is a result of scarring. Somebody probably did an overly aggressive lipo procedure and this

was the result.”

Jones also believes the former Disney kid has had a lower eyelid lift, cosmetic dental work — either the creation of dentures or the placement of porcelain veneers — as well as a hair transplant.

He estimates “a total makeover cost of around $60,000!”

The doctors quoted in this story have not treated Kurt Russell.

 ?? ?? A botched neck lift left an ugly incision indentatio­n below Russell’s chin, say experts
A botched neck lift left an ugly incision indentatio­n below Russell’s chin, say experts
 ?? ?? Russell, pictured in 2017, underwent nip/tucks to freshen up an old facelift, one doctor believes
Russell, pictured in 2017, underwent nip/tucks to freshen up an old facelift, one doctor believes
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? The divot on Kurt’s neck is a telltale sign of scarring due to overly aggressive liposuctio­n, surgeons dish
The divot on Kurt’s neck is a telltale sign of scarring due to overly aggressive liposuctio­n, surgeons dish
 ?? ?? Too much fat or muscle was removed and the skin wasn’t redraped smoothly, docs surmise
Too much fat or muscle was removed and the skin wasn’t redraped smoothly, docs surmise

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