

Sizzles in sun despite history of skin lesions


AGING screen queen Melanie Griffith — who’s battled skin lesions for years — is playing with fire by continuing to expose herself to fleshroast­ing sun rays, seemingly without protection, say experts.

The sizzling Working Girl star, 66, was caught on camera basking in the merciless tropical sun on the broiling shores of Mexico’s Puerto Vallarta last month, causing concern among doctors — who have not treated Melanie — that she’ll suffer a devastatin­g relapse of the life-threatenin­g disease!

“Exposing your skin to too much sun radiation, especially if you have skin cancer, can be problemati­c,” says Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Patrick Davis. “This is risky behavior.”

And dermatolog­ist Dr. Tess Mauricio says, “Patients who have a history of skin cancers like Melanie are at a higher chance of developing another skin cancer in their lifetime.”

As GLOBE readers know, fair-skinned Melanie has suffered multiple scarring lesions. Doctors believe the blotches she’s been seen sporting are the result of pre-cancer treatment for a condition called actinic keratosis!

In 2018, Melanie appeared with a bandage on her nose said to be the result of “extensive surgery clearly done to remove a skin cancer.”

And the recent images of the star frolicking in the sun led to warnings she should change her seemingly reckless behavior before it’s too late!

“We recommend protective measures like broadspect­rum sunscreen, sunprotect­ive clothing, wide brim hats and sunglasses,” notes Mauricio. “And, if possible, seek shade during peak UV hours.”

 ?? ?? Griffith was out soaking up rays in Mexico in January
Griffith was out soaking up rays in Mexico in January
 ?? ?? The actress’ nose bore scars after a 2018 procedure
The actress’ nose bore scars after a 2018 procedure

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