

Insists rivals are out to erase Kirk


ACTING legend William Shatner is accusing Paramount+ of “erasing” his beloved Star Trek character of Capt. James T. Kirk as it plans and promotes new installmen­ts of the iconic sci-fi franchise.

During a back-and-forth with fans on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, the 92-year-old star was asked: “Will we ever see Captain Kirk again?”

The former boss of the Starship Enterprise in the original ’60s series and a string of hit movie sequels answered, “All you have to do is look at the Paramount+ graphics to answer that question.”

He was pointing to the network’s recent promotiona­l material that featured many of Star Trek’s current and past characters, even Leonard Nimoy’s pointy-eared character Mr. Spock — but his portrayal of Kirk was glaringly missing.

In the recent series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, actor Paul Wesley plays a younger version of Kirk, but his character is nothing like Shatner’s heroic captain. The veteran star furiously claims some at the studio feel “threatened” by his iconic performanc­es, but he did not name names.

“A bunch of self-righteous strangers thinking they are sending a message by erasing the past?” he says, demanding to know “who is going to forget” how he brought Kirk to life?

But Shatner insists efforts to make him — and his character — disappear are doomed to fail. His Kirk is “everywhere” and is “so indoctrina­ted” in pop culture “it will take many generation­s to be forgotten no matter what they do,” the actor bloviates. “It doesn’t bother me in the least.”

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Shatner says his Star Trek character is “indoctrina­ted” in pop culture
William Shatner says his Star Trek character is “indoctrina­ted” in pop culture
 ?? ?? Paul Wesley plays a young Kirk in the new Trek series
Paul Wesley plays a young Kirk in the new Trek series

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