

Accused of paying her married lover $600G to bag Trump


GEORGIA D.A. Fani Willis is being stung by a sex scandal as court documents charge she’s having a secret affair with legal eagle Nathan Wade, who she’s paid more than $600,000 in public funds to join her team prosecutin­g Donald Trump for racketeeri­ng and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidenti­al election!

Incredibly, Willis has not publicly refuted the claims made by Trump political operative Michael Roman, 51, one of the GOP kingpin’s codefendan­ts, who accuses the prosecutor of slipping off with Wade to the Caribbean and California’s Napa Valley — while he was still married!

While Roman’s lawyers have produced no evidence or witnesses to back their sordid charges, they claim “sources close to both Wade and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationsh­ip.”

Willis has been subpoenaed to give a deposition in Wade’s divorce — initiated in 2021 — and insists she’ll respond to Roman’s claims “in appropriat­e court filings.”

Roman’s racy allegation­s have triggered screams of outrage from Trump, who rages Willis is “totally compromise­d” and her case against him and 18 co-defendants “has to be dropped.” After the scandal exploded,

Willis, 53, told an Atlanta church gathering the charges against her are linked to racism because she’s Black. “You cannot expect Black women to be perfect and save the world,” the Fulton County District Attorney told the congregati­on. “We need to be allowed to stumble.”

She also describes herself as “very flawed, hardheaded and imperfect.”

Willis defended Wade without naming him, saying she hired three special prosecutor­s to take down Trump — a white woman, white man and Black man (Wade) and pays them the same $250 hourly rate.

Yet Roman and his Republican supporters have singled out Wade and his salary in their allegation­s, she notes.

But legal experts claim Willis could be thrown off the Trump case or even removed from office under a recently adopted state law designed to curb cials called Federal have for even Wil- offilis’ arrangemen­t with Wade to be investigat­ed. But h his divorce records we were sealed in 2022,

apparently due to his involvemen­t with Trump, and he was sanctioned by the judge for refusing to turn over financial records to his livid wife of 24 years, Jocelyn Wade.

“This looks very bad,” says Texas criminal defense attorney Joe Gutheinz.

Meanwhile, Democrat Willis has other time bombs ticking in her past, according to Republican operatives.

A whistleblo­wer exclusivel­y tells GLOBE the hard-nosed lawwoman misappropr­iated public funds devoted to at-risk children in her city for the benefit of her own career.

Amanda Timpson, a former manager at the D.A.’s Atlanta office, alleges in three separate lawsuits filed in Fulton County Superior Court that coveted spots in the Junior D.A. program intended for local disadvanta­ged kids went instead to the children of Willis’ office staff and former local officials.

She also says part of a $488,000 federal grant slated to help at-risk kids from falling in with gangs was redirected toward the purchase of 24 Apple computers, office travel and “office swag” — pens, coffee cups, notebooks — that was part of a rebranding of the D.A.’s office after Willis’ upset 2020 victory.

In reply, a spokespers­on for the Atlanta office insisted implementa­tion for the Junior District Attorney program was — and continues to be — in compliance with U.S. Justice Department funding guidelines.

But Beltway sources claim the scandals are providing comfort — and political cover — for candidate Trump and his co-defendants.

“This is clearly a prosecutor who doesn’t like playing by the rules,” rants an insider.

“And that calls into question everything she’s so-far alleged about the ex-president and his supporters. How can we accept her accusation­s about them when she herself is so heavily tainted?”

 ?? ?? Fani Willis, district attorney of Fulton County, Ga., hired Nathan Wade (right) as a special prosecutor in the election-interferen­ce case against Donald Trump
Fani Willis, district attorney of Fulton County, Ga., hired Nathan Wade (right) as a special prosecutor in the election-interferen­ce case against Donald Trump
 ?? ?? Donald Trump says Willis’ case against him and his co-defendants, including Michael Roman, “has to be dropped”
Donald Trump says Willis’ case against him and his co-defendants, including Michael Roman, “has to be dropped”
 ?? ?? Trump political operative
Michael Roman made the claim about an affair
Trump political operative Michael Roman made the claim about an affair
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Amanda Timpson sued the D.A.’s office
Amanda Timpson sued the D.A.’s office
 ?? ?? Federal officials have called for an investigat­ion of Willis’ arrangemen­t with Wade
Federal officials have called for an investigat­ion of Willis’ arrangemen­t with Wade
 ?? ?? Jocelyn Wade is in the midst of a divorce from the lawyer
Jocelyn Wade is in the midst of a divorce from the lawyer

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