
Why This War Is Unavoidabl­e

- By Steve Forbes, Editor-in-Chief

A big war is brewing among Israel, Hezbollah and Iran. The clash is inevitable because Tehran’s murderous mullahs won’t back o their goal of isolating and destroying the Jewish state. Such a conflict could rapidly expand, involving the U.S. and Russia. It could prompt China to even more aggressive moves, which might well trigger a confrontat­ion between Washington and Beijing. The only question remaining is the timing of the blowup. It could happen soon or be delayed for a time.

The flashpoint will be the border between northern Israel and southern Lebanon. Hezbollah—Iran’s large, lethal tentacle in that area—has been launching missiles and drones into Israel since October 7. Some 80,000 Israeli residents have had to be evacuated, an intolerabl­e situation for a sovereign state. Israel can’t allow a terrorist organizati­on to force it, in effect, to abandon chunks of its territory.

Iran’s goal is to force a deal: Hezbollah would pull back and stop firing rockets in return for a ceasefire in Gaza. This would leave Hamas not only intact but also in a position to eventually exert power over Gaza and then the West Bank.

Jerusalem could never sign off on such an agreement. It would be the Jewish state’s long-term death knell, signaling that Israel hasn’t the will to control or destroy its mortal enemies. That’s why a bigger war is coming.

Hezbollah’s fighters are more numerous and probably more capable than those of Hamas and possess 150,000 missiles of various kinds. Taking out Hezbollah would be costly. Some of its rockets and drones would get through Israel’s Iron Dome and hit populated urban areas. Moreover, Iran wouldn’t stand by; it would launch its own missiles into Israel. And it would be tempted to take the final steps in creating a nuclear device. Does Israel have the means to destroy or substantia­lly cripple Iran’s nuclear facilities? Over the years they’ve been hardened undergroun­d and dispersed around the country. Israel would need U.S. assistance to fight against Hezbollah and Iran, not to mention the remnants of Hamas. But we give it?

The fact that such a question can be asked heartens the mullahs that a timorous Washington would try to stay Israel’s hand against a full-force campaign against Hezbollah. Faced with such grim prospects, Israel may well feel it must chance a big war anyway.

And wars never go in predicted directions.

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