El Dorado News-Times

SARH unveils cutting-edge surgical robot


Southern Arkansas Regional Hospital (SARH) proudly announces the latest addition to its state-of-the-art facility upgrades - the Da Vinci 5 Surgical Robot by Intuitive. With the installati­on of this cutting-edge robotic-assisted surgical unit, SARH continues its vision to be the trusted provider of superior healthcare, dedicated to serving and improving the health of the community.

The Da Vinci 5 Surgical Robot is a groundbrea­king system that represents the pinnacle of surgical technology. SARH is the first hospital in Southern Arkansas and surroundin­g areas to acquire this advanced robotic technology, reinforcin­g its position as a leader in healthcare innovation and patient-centered care.

“We are thrilled to introduce the Da Vinci 5 Surgical Robot to our hospital,” said Danna Taylor, SARH President. “This state-of-the-art system enables our surgical team to perform complex procedures with enhanced precision, dexterity, and control, ultimately leading to better outcomes for our patients.”

The robotic platform empowers surgeons with advanced capabiliti­es, including 3D high-definition visualizat­ion and magnified views, as well as wristed instrument­s that bend and rotate far beyond the capabiliti­es of the human hand. These features allow for minimally invasive procedures, smaller incisions, reduced pain, and faster recovery times for patients.

The investment in the Da Vinci 5 Surgical Robot reflects SARH’s unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare and providing cutting-edge treatments to the community it serves. By integratin­g this revolution­ary technology into its surgical services, SARH sets a new standard for patient care in the region.

Acquiring the Da Vinci has been a major goal of the SARH Foundation’s Hearts Close to Home Capital Campaign, a two-year campaign to raise $5 million to enhance cardiology and surgical services at SARH. Donations and funding opportunit­ies continue to be petitioned to help cover the costs of the Da Vinci and other equipment needs at the hospital. Donations can be made online at sarhfounda­tion.org.

 ?? ?? Da Vinci 5 surgical robot
Da Vinci 5 surgical robot

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