El Dorado News-Times

Visitation and funeral services set for L.C. ‘Buckshot’ Smith


A visitation will be held today at Greater St. Paul Baptist Church at 896 S. Adams Avenue from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m for L.C. “Buckshot” Smith, a long serving figure in Ouachita County policing.

Smith’s funeral services will also be held on Saturday at Greater St. Paul at 2:30 p.m.

Smith was born in May 12, 1929, in Buena Vista. He began his law enforcemen­t career with the Camden Police Department in 1958 and worked for free. Smith was featured on the CBS Evening News, The Kelly Clarkson Show and even internatio­nally on German television.

Smith said that since the time he began his career, the biggest change in law enforcemen­t was the hiring process.

“A long time ago you didn’t have to go to school. You would just put on a badge and if the man liked you, he’d hang a gun on you,” Smith stated. “I worked 30 years with an officer who never wrote a ticket. I had to do all his writing for him.”

He said he took a Golden Rule approach to law enforcemen­t during his time with the force.

“I treat people like I want to be treated, y’know?” said Smith. “If all law enforcemen­t would do that, we’d have better community, city and state if all police officers would treat people like they wanted to be treated. This gun and this badge don’t make a police officer. You got to want to do it and you got have it in your heart and be fair with everybody. You can’t treat everybody the same, but you can treat everybody right.”

Smith served as a chairman of the deacon’s board for Pilgrims Rest Missionary Baptist Church.

Smith retired from law enforcemen­t in April of 2023, but continued to served as a bailiff in Ouachita County and stayed active in the community.

Camden’s Interim Police Chief Royce Carpenter stated on Facebook, “On behalf of the Camden Police Department, I extend my deepest condolence­s and prayers to the family of L.C. ‘Buckshot’ Smith. Due to illness and a prior commitment, I will be out of state this weekend and will regrettabl­y not be able to attend the funeral service. Captain Parker has made every effort to meet all the family’s wishes.

“Please be assured that all officers and administra­tors, except those on duty, will be attending and participat­ing in the funeral service to honor his memory. “Sincerely, “Interim Chief Carpenter”

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