El Dorado News-Times

Golf is child's play for Castillo

- By Tony Burns Sports Editor

Any high school athlete who plays four sports knows how to multitask. Junction City's Karla Castillo competed in softball, basketball, golf and cheerleadi­ng last year, helping the Lady Dragons win the 2A State cheer championsh­ip.

The senior has shown an ability to spend her time wisely and get the most out of every second of the day.

“I am on the golf course at least three days a week, sometimes more. We have team practices Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then I go on my own one day a week,” she said of her summer schedule.

“I'm also working with cheer three days a week. We just learned our new routine and I'm hoping we can bring home another state title in December. I haven't made the basketball camps but have been to practices and I'm really working on my shooting. I have also still been working on softball in between.”

Castillo said she also teaches softball lessons and has a babysittin­g job. Somehow, even while babysittin­g, she has found a way to work on her golf game.

“The kid I babysit is pretty good at golf so that's a bonus,” she laughed.

Castillo babysits for 9-year-old Fallon Elia, son of area golfer Chris Elia.

“He gets to come to practices with me and he plays when we practice. He is actually good. His family are big golfers. He is probably better than most of the boys on my team. But he also plays from the silvers but I don't mind because it makes it more competitiv­e for me.”

Castillo shot 108 and finished 10th in the district tournament last season, qualifying her individual­ly for the 2A State Tournament. She shot 107 at the state tournament.

This season, she wants to make All-State in golf, which means practicing, putting, swinging … playing … even with a 9-year-old … who's almost as good as she is.

“I do usually win but it's not a blowout. It's usually a pretty close game which puts a little pressure on me,” said Castillo. “It doesn't affect my ego. He plays with the boys a lot. I just focus on my own game. When he does play with me I just treat it as another opponent.”

Castillo said they practice at the Lion's Club. Junction City has also built a range by the baseball field.

“I'm really trying to work on my short game but it's not exactly where I want it yet,” she said. “I'm really trying to focus on my chipping and putting. I feel like I can cut down a stroke or two if I get better.”

Of course for a girl with a lot of irons in the fire, just finding the time to get on the course is a good way to start the day.

“I try to play against people to try and make it more game-like. That really helps me out a lot.”

Even if it's a game against a 9-yearold.

“I'm lucky. He is a great kid to have around. In the morning I have to wake him up but after he's up, he's ready to play,” said Castillo, who said she's even learned a thing or two.

“I have learned how to hit one of my clubs that I really needed to learn how to hit because his dad gave me a tip,” she said with a laugh. “That has been a huge help to improve my golf game.”

 ?? Penny Chanler/Special to News-Times ?? On the green: Junction City's Karla Castillo prepares to hit a shot during the district tournament last season at the Lion's Club. The senior hopes to help the Lady Dragons advance to the state tournament this year.
Penny Chanler/Special to News-Times On the green: Junction City's Karla Castillo prepares to hit a shot during the district tournament last season at the Lion's Club. The senior hopes to help the Lady Dragons advance to the state tournament this year.

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