El Dorado News-Times

Groups to host estate planning seminar

Union County and Ouachita County Cooperativ­e Extension Services event slated for Aug. 8


Planning for the future involves more than just financial matters.

The Union County and Ouachita County Cooperativ­e Extension Services will host an estate planning seminar on Thursday, August 8 and August 15 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Workforce Developmen­t Center on the East Campus at South Arkansas College. The cost of the seminar for individual­s is $10 per session or $20 for both sessions, couples are $15 per session or $30 for both sessions.

“Most people do not usually think about estate planning until they get older or reach retirement age,” McGarrh said. “It does not necessaril­y mean the person you intend to get something is going to get it in the event of your death. It is important to think about these things ahead of time, even if you are young.”

On August 8th, program leaders with the University of Arkansas Systems

Division of Agricultur­e will cover several topics that include Intro to Estate Planning and Non-Titled

Property. On the second night, August 15th, two local attorneys will be having a Question-and-Answer Section.

We will talk about Estate Planning 101. Why it is important, the difference­s in property, titled property and untitled property, beneficiar­ies and what happens if you have no will. Estate Planning enables people to establish who receives their assets in the event of their death.

We will also discuss “Grandma’s Pie Plate.” And practical strategies to protect your family relationsh­ips when passing on personal possession­s. While it may seem simple, decisions about personal property can be challengin­g and lead to serious family conflicts when a family member downsizes, declutters, moves or dies.

Attendees will learn about profession­al advisers and additional resources as well.

Space is limited, and pre-registrati­on is requested. Deadline to register is August 2. To register, contact the Union County Extension office at 870- 864-1916 or the

Ouachita County Extension office at 870-231-1160. A signup link can also be emailed to you.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agricultur­e is an equal opportunit­y/equal access/affirmativ­e action institutio­n. If you require reasonable accommodat­ion to participat­e or need materials in another format, please contact your local County Extension office as soon as possible.

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