El Dorado News-Times

Local schools set to compete in summer league

- By Jason Avery News-Times Staff

The 2023-24 basketball season may have come to a close a couple of months ago, but since then, teams have been working diligently with their offseason workouts.

Starting on Monday, local schools will begin to see the fruits of their labor so far with the start of the Summer League.

Camden Fairview will be hosting games on Monday and Thursday next week.

Admission is $3 and concession­s will be provided.

There will be eight games each day played in 40-minute intervals.

El Dorado has games against West Side Christian at 2:40 p.m. and Bearden at 4:40 p.m. on Monday.

Junction City faces Nevada at 3:20 p.m. and Smackover at 6 p.m.

Prior to facing the Dragons, the Bucks will take on Strong at 4 p.m.

The Bulldogs have the final game of the day against conference rival Nevada at 6:40 p.m.

The Warriors will face Camden Fairview at 5:20 p.m.

The lone game that doesn't involve Union County schools is the opener between Bearden and Camden Fairview at 2 p.m.

For Junction City coach Xairius Larry, the timing couldn't be better to see how much growth his team has showed so far.

“This is the best time to play to see what we have to work on collective­ly and individual­ly,” Larry said. “Also for the guys that's been putting in extra work to see how much they've developed.”

The idea came from Camden Fairview boys basketball coach Johnny Jackson, and coaches from schools around the area liked the idea.

“I was planning to play summer games this year because I wasn't able to last summer,” said Larry, who is conducting his first offseason with the Dragons. “Coach Jackson from Camden Fairview called me months ago asking would I be interested, and I agreed immediatel­y.”

For West Side Christian coach Randall Miller, the league provides another plus for coaches.

“It's difficult for us to have everyone together at once during the summer, so it's tough to get to team camps,” Miller said. “This is going to give us a couple opportunit­ies to play locally and get some people some extra game experience.”

The Warriors have had the opportunit­y to play

Union County schools during the regular year, but with two games against El Dorado and one against Camden Fairview next week, the experience will be invaluable as they move ahead in the offseason.

“We always want to test ourselves at higher and higher levels, because that's the key to improving,” Miller said. “I have a couple of specific goals going into this for these guys, and I've tried to communicat­e that going in. First, we want to increase the speed at which we make game reads. Playing up like this will force us to decide without hesitating.

“Second, we want to compete harder and learn to play more physically. I know these larger schools are going to be fast and physical and we can improve quickly. Third, we have some players stepping into new roles and I want some film on them and some experience for them.”

The league will provide game reps and film for Strong coach Alex Howell, who is entering his third year and has sizable shoes to fill with key starters graduating.

“The main thing is I'm not really focused on wins and losses,” Howell said. “Of course, I always want to win. It's just competitiv­e nature. But I'm focused more on getting them reps, and seeing where our flaws will be because this is kind of a new group, so just kind of feeling the team out some.

“I have three starters returning, so I wanna get the other kids lots of reps. That's my main focus. They're going to have to play this year with me losing my two starters and trying to replace Dontae (Stringfell­ow).”

One factor that cannot be overlooked is the travel with most having to go short distances to play four games a week.

“I think it's pretty good,” Larry said. “All the surroundin­g area schools meeting at one location two days out of the week and playing some good basketball.”

On Thursday, El Dorado has the first game of the day against Nevada at 2 p.m.

Junction City and Strong meet at 2:40 p.m. with EHS and Camden Fairview set to follow at 3:20 p.m.

West Side Christian and Bearden square off at 4 p.m. with Camden Fairview and Nevada next at 4:40 p.m.

Junction City faces Bearden at 5:20 p.m. with the Warriors and Wildcats having their second meeting of the week at 6 p.m.

Camden Fairview and Strong have the final game at 6:40 p.m.

Miller said he is pleased to be participat­ing and his players are eager to see how they will fare against stiff competitio­n.

“Our kids know this will be a level of competitio­n above what we face generally,” Miller said. “We've talked about that if we compete at maximum effort, intensity and focus, we will be better in these areas, guaranteed. I'm excited and grateful to the other coaches that we are included in this, and our kids are too.”

 ?? Southern Sass/Special to the News-Times ?? Defense: Junction City’s Deon James attempts to block a shot during the Dragons’ tilt against Lafayette County during the 2023-24 season in Junction City.
Southern Sass/Special to the News-Times Defense: Junction City’s Deon James attempts to block a shot during the Dragons’ tilt against Lafayette County during the 2023-24 season in Junction City.

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