El Dorado News-Times

The fight for consumer choice


Nearly three years ago, far-left Democrats in Congress greenlit a $7.5 billion investment of taxpayer funds for electric vehicle charging nationwide. As a part of the Biden Administra­tion’s radical Green New Deal agenda, President Biden vowed to utilize these funds to establish 500,000 electric vehicle chargers by 2030. Since the announceme­nt in 2021, Federal Highway Administra­tion data reveals that only a mere eight charging stations have been completed. This stark contrast between promise and progress underscore­s Republican­s’ long-standing argument – that our infrastruc­ture is ill-equipped to meet the demands of the Biden Administra­tion’s tone-deaf “EV Revolution.”

In its continued efforts to cater to extreme climate activists, the Biden Administra­tion’s Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA) has yet again finalized a rule to accelerate its electrific­ation agenda. This regulation, misguidedl­y aiming to reduce tailpipe emissions, effectivel­y imposes a de facto ban on most new gas-powered vehicles. This myopic approach not only undermines consumer choice, but also fails to consider the significan­t infrastruc­ture, costs, and national security implicatio­ns.

Consumers, particular­ly those in rural areas, are not enthusiast­ic about the push for electrific­ation. The recent rule announceme­nt by the Biden Administra­tion only serves as further proof of its disregard for the economic realities of everyday Americans. Electric vehicles (EVs) remain more expensive than the average vehicle, and according to Consumer Reports, they are generally less reliable than vehicles with internal combustion engines. With costs already on the rise, Americans cannot afford to grapple with the financial and practical challenges imposed by the push for electrific­ation.

Complicati­ng matters further, while drafting this burdensome regulation, the Biden Administra­tion simultaneo­usly canceled two critical mine leases in Minnesota and enacted a 20-year ban in the surroundin­g areas, where the minerals necessary to build EVs can be found in unparallel­ed qualities. This continued push for EVs, while blocking our ability to source the minerals required to produce them domestical­ly, will significan­tly increase our reliance on our foreign adversarie­s, like the CCP, posing a grave threat to our national security.

Arkansans have the right to a variety of affordable and reliable vehicle options, and they should be able to choose what type of vehicle works best for their families. I refuse to stand idle while DC bureaucrat­s limit Arkansans’ options to advance a misguided political agenda. I’ve undertaken numerous oversight efforts on this issue, including questionin­g Biden’s Transporta­tion Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, about the implicatio­ns of forced electrific­ation. I’ve also signed onto a bill to push back on the onerous tailpipe emissions rule and the forced “EV Revolution.” I will continue to stand up against the Biden Administra­tion’s continued efforts to strip Americans’ of their right to consumer choice.

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