El Dorado News-Times

Higher Dimension Chrisitian Academy coming soon


Embracing belief and education, El Dorado native, Sherwin Allen, has a vision to open a Christian academy for the younger generation in his city.

Allen is the founder of the soon to be private school, Higher Dimension Christian Academy. As Allen gave his speech at the Comfort Inn Suites Hotel on Wednesday, he mentioned that he is a proud graduate from Washington High School, and hoped to bring back the old school ways and a breathe of fresh air to El Dorado.

“It’s kind of going to be a rebirth of Washington High School, and Washington High produced a great amount of successful people,” Allen said.

Also, Allen has a set of requiremen­ts for teachers who want to be a part of this purpose to make students successful again.

“If you have it in your heart and a degree, then you can be trained to do a lot of things,” Dr. Allen said.

Dr. Allen mentioned that Higher Dimension Christian Academy will be about accelerate­d teaching and learning.

“All children can and will learn, that’s going to be the philosophy and mission of the school,” Allen said. “Don’t give up, don’t give out, and don’t quit, and were going to preach that day in and day out.”

Allen has created his own methods and teaching techniques to best prepare students for the state test.

“Some schools take a whole year to cover the little things, but we start in September and by the end of December we covered the entire school year, and we will test two or three times to see where our students are,” Allen said. “There will be after school programs where there will be further more learning. This is the uniqueness of Higher Dimension Christian Academy, were doing it our way.”

“God has called it on my heart to do this,” Allen said.

Embracing his love for knowledge, the city, and listening to God, Allen may be bringing Higher Dimension Christian Academy to El Dorado, Arkansas very soon.

In the meantime, Allen is looking for a building in the city to make this dream come true.

 ?? ?? Dr Sherwin Allen at his meeting discussing the plan for his soon to be school Higher Dimension Christian Academy.
Dr Sherwin Allen at his meeting discussing the plan for his soon to be school Higher Dimension Christian Academy.

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