El Dorado News-Times

How to turn a supermarke­t bouquet into a lusher, more personaliz­ed flower arrangemen­t

- JESSICA DAMIANO Jessica Damiano writes regular gardening columns for the AP and publishes the award-winning Weekly Dirt Newsletter. You can sign up here for weekly gardening tips and advice.

If your heart is telling you to give someone a luxurious bouquet of flowers, but your wallet is telling you to shop at the supermarke­t, fear not: With a bit of imaginatio­n and creativity, you can transform a simple, low-cost bouquet into a stunning floral arrangemen­t.

Jennifer Murphy, owner of Forget Me Knots Custom Events and Floral Design in Floral Park, New York, recommends choosing fragrant flowers like roses and lilies, “classic choices that will fill the room with their sweet aroma and make your bouquet even more memorable.”

When you bring your flowers home, trim their stems at an angle, remove leaves below the waterline and place flowers in a vase to hydrate, Murphy says. These steps give the flowers “some room to breathe” and improve their longevity.

Next, she said, rearrange the bouquet by placing “the tallest stems at the back and working forward, layering in shorter blooms (toward the front) for a balanced look.”

Greenery will make the bouquet pop. “Grab some from your garden or pick up some eucalyptus or fern leaves” at the market, Murphy said. “They’ll add texture and make your arrangemen­t look fuller.”

Stems of garden plants that serve well as bouquet greenery include dusty miller, ivy, myrtle and viburnum. You can even use herbs from your kitchen garden, such as basil (cinnamon basil is especially eye-catching), mints (try apple mint, chocolate mint or spearmint), oregano and sage.

Morning-harvested herbs are slower to wilt and more fragrant than those picked in the afternoon or evening.

Murphy underscore­s the importance of filler flowers, a florist’s “secret weapon.” Fillers such as baby’s breath and wax flowers add depth and fill gaps in arrangemen­ts when they’re incorporat­ed between the larger blooms.

You can also “shop” for filler flowers in your garden. Look for plants whose stems hold clusters of small flowers, such as astilbe, catmint, chamomile, dianthus, dill, goldenrod, heather, lady’s mantle, lavender, lily of the valley, Queen Anne’s lace, sea holly, snapdragon, sweet pea, yarrow and verbena.

Finally, instead of displaying a bouquet in a plain glass vase, get creative. “A cute pitcher or a vintage Mason jar can add personalit­y to your arrangemen­t,” Murphy says.

And take your time, she adds. There’s no rushing the artistic process.

 ?? (Jessica Damiano via AP) ?? This May 1 image provided by Jessica Damiano shows a supermarke­t bouquet of three white chrysanthe­mums, a lily stem and a single rose embellishe­d with greenery and “filler” flowers on Long Island, New York. Placing flowers in a decorative pitcher or vase is one way to elevate a floral arrangemen­t.
(Jessica Damiano via AP) This May 1 image provided by Jessica Damiano shows a supermarke­t bouquet of three white chrysanthe­mums, a lily stem and a single rose embellishe­d with greenery and “filler” flowers on Long Island, New York. Placing flowers in a decorative pitcher or vase is one way to elevate a floral arrangemen­t.

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