El Dorado News-Times

Airport Commission preparing for ‘24 projects


The El Dorado Airport Commission is preparing for several projects that could be approved next year for South Arkansas Regional Airport at Goodwin Field, including the developmen­t of a plan that will look at long-term constructi­ve needs for the airport.

Jonathan Estes, SARA manager, said he is anticipati­ng a busy 2024, noting that he will be working closely with airport commission­ers and Garver, a Little Rock-based multidisci­plined engineerin­g, planning and environmen­tal services firm and SARA’s engineer of record.

“We’ve got a lot going on next year. My workload is going to quadruple, at the very least,” Estes said.

He said he, the EAC and Garver will potentiall­y be juggling four or five major projects for the airport next year.

Jordan Culver of Garver went over plans for the projects during an EAC regular meeting last month.

A runway repaving and lighting project that was put on hole this year because of bottleneck­s in the constructi­on supply chain is expected to tee off in late March or early April, Culver told airport commission­ers on Nov. 13.

The job will be broken into three components, with the lighting installati­on taking up one phase and the runway rehab comprising two schedules.

A new LED lighting system and wiring will be installed for runway 4-22.

The estimated cost of the job is $839,810 and the work will be done in conjunctio­n with the repaving of the runway, which comes with an estimated cost of $4.8 million.

Schedule 1 calls for milling the runway, repairing cracks, installing reinforcem­ent fabric, asphalting and applying markings and grooving.

Shoulder stabilizat­ion, repairing cracks and seal-coating 25 feet of the shoulders on each side of the runway make up the work for Schedule 2.

The projects will be covered by a mix of state and federal grants.

Redstone Constructi­on Group of Little Rock is the contractor for the job.

Culver said a SARA capital improvemen­t plan (CIP) for 2024 and 2025 has been submitted to the Federal Aviation Administra­tion for review and the group is looking to develop draft an airport layout plan.

“That’s a like a road map that looks at long-term developmen­t for the next 15, 20 years and it hasn’t been done (for SARA) since 1999,” Culver said.

He said the plan will focus on approach developmen­t and a pavement management program that will assess the condition of existing pavement and capacity for the airport runways.

An aeronautic­al study would also assist with the project.

Estes said the plan will determine if airport activity is shrinking or growing, needs for hangar space, if additional runway or ramp space is needed, etc.

Another issue that will be studied is how the taxiways line up to the runways at SARA.

“The FAA prefers to have all surface areas intersecti­ng at a normal angle so that pilots can see down both ways safely,” said Estes, adding there are several such intersecti­ons at SARA that line up at an abnormal angle.

“The aeronautic­al survey will help determine any airspace hazards and possible issues with approach patterns into the airport,” he added.

Estes noted that none of the studies have been bid but cost estimates have been rendered and if the projects are approved, the work will be funded by federal grants.

The EAC is continuing to scout out funding sources and drum up support for efforts to renovate the airport terminal, which was built in the 1940s.

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