El Dorado News-Times

And the beat goes on

Nepal women keep art of traditiona­l instrument­s alive despite stigma


KATHMANDU, Nepal — As a child, Shanti Chaudhari was scolded by her parents for standing too close to a group of musicians playing the naumati baja, Nepal’s nine traditiona­l instrument­s, because they were identified with the Damai, part of the lowest caste that was formerly known as “untouchabl­es.”

Chaudhari, now 41, eventually overcame her family’s opposition and today performs in a band of her own called Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha, or the Self-Reliant Women’s Group.

Her husband, who also was initially against her participat­ion, now supports her musical pursuit and cooks meals when she gets home late from a performanc­e.

Bal Kumari Bhusal, the band’s founder, says she was criticized when she first set up the band, which includes members from various castes. The band was tutored by Dalit musicians — the formerly untouchabl­e class — when it was formed in 2021.

“Previously, there were few women musicians, but now we’re growing in numbers on this journey. It’s not just about preserving our cultural heritage. It’s also about empowering women in today’s challengin­g world,” Bhusal said.

Despite increased representa­tion in society and more progressiv­e laws, women in Nepal continue to face gender discrimina­tion in the patriarcha­l society.

Nepal’s parliament in 2017 passed a bill that aimed to make women safer by strengthen­ing laws against acid attacks, limiting the ancient Hindu custom of demanding dowry payments for marriage and ending the practice of exiling women who are menstruati­ng.

Discrimina­tion based on caste is also believed to have caused some Dalit musicians to quit playing naumati baja. Today, people from different castes help keep the art alive.

Shrinanshi­l Mahila Sanstha performs a range of songs, from religious to folk and popular tunes, on percussion and wind instrument­s. They play at weddings, birthdays, religious ceremonies and even political gatherings.

The nine members, wearing black saris and matching blazers, recently led a groom’s procession to the wedding venue through the lanes of old Kathmandu. The music they played ranged from raucous — catering to the mood of the dancers in the group — to somber, with the wind instrument­s slow and heavy.

A band member earns $30$40 per show. Those who were previously confined to domestic chores say they are happy to see more of the world outside their homes.

 ?? (AP/Niranjan Shrestha) ?? Band members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha, or the Self-Reliant Women’s Group, stand for a photograph March 6 before they prepare to play at a wedding in Kathmandu, Nepal.
(AP/Niranjan Shrestha) Band members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha, or the Self-Reliant Women’s Group, stand for a photograph March 6 before they prepare to play at a wedding in Kathmandu, Nepal.
 ?? ?? A guest dances March 6 as members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha play at a wedding in Kathmandu.
A guest dances March 6 as members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha play at a wedding in Kathmandu.
 ?? ?? Members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha lead a wedding procession March 6 in Kathmandu.
Members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha lead a wedding procession March 6 in Kathmandu.
 ?? ?? A member of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha holds a Sanai, a traditiona­l musical instrument, on March 7 during a rehearsal in Kathmandu.
A member of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha holds a Sanai, a traditiona­l musical instrument, on March 7 during a rehearsal in Kathmandu.
 ?? ?? Durga Gautam, 30, plays a Karnal, a traditiona­l musical instrument, March 5 during rehearsals of her Naumati Baja, or nine traditiona­l instrument­s, band in Kathmandu.
Durga Gautam, 30, plays a Karnal, a traditiona­l musical instrument, March 5 during rehearsals of her Naumati Baja, or nine traditiona­l instrument­s, band in Kathmandu.
 ?? ?? A member of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha plays a traditiona­l instrument at a wedding March 6 in Kathmandu.
A member of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha plays a traditiona­l instrument at a wedding March 6 in Kathmandu.
 ?? ?? Members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha play at a wedding March 6 in Kathmandu.
Members of Shrijanshi­l Mahila Sanstha play at a wedding March 6 in Kathmandu.

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