El Dorado News-Times

Lady Trojans trip over Acorn 73-50

- News-Times Staff

MENA - Playing its third game in three days, Parkers Chapel ran out of steam against a steamrolle­r of an opponent. Acorn built a 24-point halftime lead and pulled away for a 73-50 win over the Lady Trojans Saturday night in the championsh­ip game of the 2A South Regional Tournament.

Parkers Chapel (256) will be a No. 2 seed in next week's 2A State Tournament at Mansfield. The Lady Trojans will play Cotter on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Acorn (31-5) will play Lavaca on Wednesday at 1 p.m.

The Lady Tigers used a 9-0 run to end the first quarter with a 25-11 lead and had an 18-5 run in the second quarter.

Parkers Chapel struggled to get the ball inside against Acorn's defense. But the biggest problem was getting the Lady Tigers to miss on the other end. Acorn led 64-30 at the end of the third and Coach Justin Welch removed his starters from the game.

“I'm so proud of my girls. They fought as hard as they could tonight. I know that a lot of people will look at this score and they will immediatel­y think that Acorn is out of our league. Don't get me wrong, they're a great team but I also have a great team,” Welch said. “There were a lot of things stacked against us this week and I feel like it just took a toll on my girls' legs as the week went on. It sucked the energy right out of them. As a coach, I tried to plan everything that I could control to minimize the effects on the girls but I'll tell you the truth, it was a nightmare. A nightmare that I started losing sleep over back in January when the AAA announced the tournament locations.

“But all in all, I have some girls that are true competitor­s. They're winners simply stated, and they will give it their all even when they find themselves in situations like that. I mean really, how many teams could overcome losing a 6-foot, all-state caliber post player two games before the district tournament, have to drive hours and hours on the bus and still make it to the regional finals? I can only think of one group and that's my Lady Trojans.”

Daisy Dollar led Acorn with 16 points. Sophie Strasner added 14 while Kaitlyn Ledbetter and Harlei McCourtney contribute­d 11 and 10, respective­ly.

Bella Frisby and freshman Lilah Welch each scored 10 for Parkers Chapel.

Coach Welch said his team will rest up before preparing for the state tournament.

“As a coach, I couldn't ask for a better group,” he said. “In the future, every time I walk by this trophy I won't remember the score of the game, but I will remember the grit, the determinat­ion, and the fight that this team had and still has within them. Our season isn't over yet. Every team in the state that is still left playing, that's only 16 2A teams, is technicall­y 0-0 record-wise and anybody can go up to Mansfield next week and win this tournament. I believe that we can go up there and make a run at it. I'm excited to get up there and start playing as soon as my girls get some well deserved rest. They've earned it.”

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