El Dorado News-Times

Area school board accepts resignatio­n of superinten­dent


The Smackover-Norphlet District school board accepted the resignatio­n of superinten­dent Robby Frizzell during their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday. The board unanimousl­y accepted Frizzell’s resignatio­n following a lengthy period of executive session —which is closed to the public for personnel discussion — weeks after placing Frizzell on paid administra­tive leave during a special-called meeting on Feb. 7.

Frizzell will remain on paid administra­tive leave until June 30, 2024, when his employment with the district will officially end; he was not present at the meeting on Tuesday.

The board also voted to amend the contract of district administra­tor Holly Strickland, who was named interim superinten­dent on Feb. 7, to add a $5,000 per month stipend during her time as interim superinten­dent “until the district hires a new superinten­dent” with the stipend to be retroactiv­ely paid from Feb. 1, 2024.

“Ms. Strickland did not ask for that — we think it’s important to appreciate the work she is doing,” said board president Cliff Preston following the vote.

Frizzell was hired as superinten­dent by the SNSD in March 2022 following the departure of previous superinten­dent Jason Black.

According to a copy of Frizzell’s contract obtained by the News-Times in a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request, Frizzell’s period of employment was period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026. Frizzell’s salary is listed in the contract as $152,400 annually paid in 12 “equal monthly installmen­ts.”

The district has not yet announced when it expects to begin the search for its next superinten­dent.


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