East Greenwich Pendulum

Current Friars think about giving back


CRANSTON – Bryce Hopkins and Jayden Pierre were asked to look ahead to the future, specifical­ly to a time in their lives when the basketball stops bouncing and the body can no longer withstand the punishment.

For each one’s sake, let’s hope the post-playing scenario conjured up on a recent Sunday afternoon doesn’t see the light of day for a long time. With birdies and bogeys in the air in conjunctio­n with a golf tournament to benefit the Friar Family Collective, Hopkins and Pierre were asked about looking forward to the day when they can give back to the Friar basketball program.

In other words, do you see yourself remaining connected in some way, shape or form to the Providence community regardless where life takes you?

“It’s something that I definitely want to do. This place has been great to me and my teammates. The fan support from the crowd is something you don’t

of get everywhere. This is a special place,” said Pierre, standing not too far from the first tee box at Cranston Country Club. “I would love to give back any way I can.”

Hopkins echoed Pierre’s desire to never forget Friartown upon authoring a new chapter in his basketball odyssey.

“Everything I’m doing now, I hope I can impact the younger community and the guys who will be playing for PC one day,” said Hopkins. “Coming back to where I started is a big part of what I plan to do.”

In some respects, the affiliatio­n-themed blueprint features a timeless quality. Regardless of whether it’s during the season or the summer months, former PC players will flock to watch the current group practice per Kim English’s open-door policy.

“Hearing how great their careers were in Friartown … it would be huge for me to win here and leave a legacy like they did and offer advice

 ?? Photo by Louriann Mardo-zayat/lmzartwork­s.com ??
Photo by Louriann Mardo-zayat/lmzartwork­s.com

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