East Greenwich Pendulum

Don’t Risk the Integrity of Your Home!

- By Rona Mann

Your home.

A place of security, warmth, family, and probably the largest purchase you’ve ever made.

You do everything to keep that home warm and secure for yourself and your loved ones, so why would you take a risk every time the power goes out?

Notice, we said, “when” the power goes out, not “if,” because power outages are an integral part of living in New England, and you just can’t easily pooh-pooh them away as something that happens a few times a year, and “oh well, we’ll deal with it.” If you aren’t dealing with it the proper way then you are indeed risking the integrity of your largest investment. You need to light a fire under your own good common sense and think seriously about securing your property with a generator.

Most people don’t ever think of investing in a generator until they’ve experience­d the inconvenie­nce of no electric, no plumbing, no cable service, and more; and they never realize that a power outage can mean a flooded basement without a working sump pump, leading to mold and odor and even greater expense. This is the kind of common sense conversati­on that Cox Electric wants to have with you when they visit your home anywhere in the Ocean State or Eastern Connecticu­t. Matter of fact, they are the only installers of Generac Generators for all of the Lowe’s stores here in southern New England. There’s a good reason for that because Cox Electric has proven itself to be trusted partners, and Lowe’s wouldn’t risk their good name and reputation to just any other company.

Cox Electric, family-owned for more than two decades, does something no other company does: the owner comes to your home for an in-person, no-obligation visit to explain every option, to discuss financing programs, to answer every question you may have, and to explain everything that’s needed when you make that wise decision to ensure your family and home with the protection of a generator.

Most folks have no idea what goes into the purchase of a generator. It’s more than just the dollars and cents, it’s measuring the square footage of your home, getting the permit from the town in which you live, installing the electric, working with the gas or propane company, and explaining what amounts to a 12-step process of installati­on from permits to delivery.

There is no one kind of generator and no one kind of homeowner. Do you want the generator to just be there to power up for a quick shower or so you can see your favorite TV show, or do you want a whole home model that will keep the food in your refrigerat­or and freezer cold and fresh, power all your devices, and give you full plumbing services every single time the power fails? Maybe you’re only interested in a portable model. Whatever you want, whatever you need, Cox Electric can provide it, and even more importantl­y, they can provide 7-day, 24-hour service whether you bought the model from them or have an existing Generac that needs to be serviced or replaced.

So it all comes down to this. Just getting batteries for your flashlight­s, charging your devices, and lighting candles are not enough. It never was enough. You’ve got to light a fire under your own good common sense and call for that in-person visit. Who will visit your home? Again we reiterate, the owner of the company! He made a promise to himself and to the Cox clientele years ago that the service Cox offers begins BEFORE the sale, so he personally visits every home to answer every question and to explain every detail. That’s building trust and a successful and long-lasting two-way relationsh­ip...and that’s just good business, the only way Cox Electric does business.

When you hear or see ads for automotive dealership­s they always talk about their brand of service after the sale. The same with appliance dealers and many other retail companies who deal directly with consumers...and that’s certainly commendabl­e. But when you deal with Cox Electric on any level, they always put service before the sale. That’s always been their culture. That’s their history. That’s their promise, and they live by it.

For further informatio­n and to make an appointmen­t for that personal in-home visit,

call Cox at (401) 789-9944

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