East Bay Times

Can state curb retail theft without changing Prop. 47?

- By Anabel Sosa

Two approaches are gaining traction as California confronts the issue of retail theft, which was propelled to the top of the state's political agenda this year by viral videos of smash-andgrab robberies and the proliferat­ion of drugstores locking up basic goods.

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, D-Hollister, on Tuesday threw his weight behind a package of bills that aim to thwart theft by, among other proposals, allowing restrainin­g orders to keep people who steal away from certain stores and letting prosecutor­s aggregate the value of thefts across multiple incidents in determinin­g criminal charges.

Meanwhile, supporters of an initiative paid for by big retailers are preparing to submit signatures this month to put a measure on the November ballot that would tackle the problem through harsher criminal penalties for repeat offenders and court-mandated diversion programs for drug users.

The question now is whether the two sides will negotiate a middle ground or if both approaches will advance this year, setting the stage for a fight at the ballot box.

The crux of the issue is a debate over whether California can curb theft without changing Propositio­n 47, the liberal criminal justice measure voters approved in 2014 that reclassifi­ed some felony drug and theft offenses under $950 as misdemeano­rs. Rivas and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom believe they can enact new laws to address theft while leaving Propositio­n 47 intact. Supporters of the initiative backed by big-box stores and prosecutor­s believe that repealing parts of Propositio­n 47 is crucial to solving the problem.

“There's no turning back the clock on the criminal justice reforms that have been enacted,” Rivas said Tuesday during a news conference at the Capitol. “It's understand­ing the root causes of this problem, which is complex. And for us, each one of these bills gets after those layers of complexity.”

Rivas dismissed proposals that would require changing Propositio­n 47, sending the Times a statement saying that “going to the ballot to address retail crime or theft is not necessary, because the Assembly's bipartisan and comprehens­ive plan delivers real and urgent changes for California­ns.”

Rachel Michelin, president of the California Retailers Associatio­n, appeared alongside Rivas in a signal of her group's support for the legislatio­n. But she sees the bills as one option on the table in addition to the ballot initiative.

“California is a very political state, this is a very political situation, but it's about how do we find solutions?” she told the Times. “Whether it's a ballot initiative or a legislativ­e package, what has the best chance of having results?”

The ballot initiative called the Homelessne­ss, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act seeks to change Propositio­n 47 in numerous ways. It would elevate the third time someone commits retail theft to a felony charge. It also would allow prosecutor­s to aggregate the value of stolen goods so that a person could be charged with a felony for multiple thefts that add up to at least $950. It would add fentanyl to a law that prohibits the possession of hard drugs while armed with a loaded firearm. It also would require drug treatment the third time a person is charged with simple drug possession.

“We can't fix this without going back to the ballot box,” said Bobbie Singh-Allen, president of the American Petroleum and Convenienc­e Store Associatio­n, a supporter of the initiative, which represents nearly 2,000 convenienc­e stores in California. “We don't want to just leave it to the Legislatur­e.”

The ballot initiative already has raised more than $7 million since October and is largely funded by retailers including Target, Walmart, 7-Eleven and Home Depot, according to campaign finance records. The prosecutor-led initiative has been largely backed by law enforcemen­t and Republican elected officials, but recently received support from Democrats including San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

Greg Totten, chief executive of the California District Attorneys Associatio­n and a supporter of the initiative, told the Times that he is confident it will qualify for the November ballot. The deadline to submit signatures is April 23.

A law passed in 2014 gives the Legislatur­e a chance to have hearings and negotiate with initiative sponsors over policies that could entice them to pull their measures off the ballot. Totten said his campaign stands “ready to negotiate

any time, place or under any circumstan­ces.”

Rivas did not answer the Times' question about whether he will stage a public hearing on any potential negotiatio­ns.

The state Senate also is considerin­g a package of bills to address the growing fentanyl crisis and organized retail theft. Lawmakers have until the end of August to decide which bills they want to send to Newsom.

The Assembly bill package has support from progressiv­e groups that back California's criminal justice reforms.

“Rather than simply seeking to score quick and cheap political points, the package reflects a commitment to pursuing solutions that would reduce the incidents of theft in the first place,” Tinisch Hollins, executive director of California­ns for Safety and Justice, said in a statement.

These are the bills Rivas intends to prioritize:

• Assembly Bill 2943, co-authored by Rivas and Assemblyme­mber Rick Chavez Zbur, D-Los Angeles, is a nod to Newsom's suggestion­s for how the state should try to curb theft. The bill addresses serial thieves, aggregates dollar amounts and expands drug diversion programs. Parts of this bill address similar issues in the ballot initiative.

• Assembly Bill 1794 by Assemblyme­mber Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, would allow prosecutor­s to aggregate theft crimes by the same perpetrato­r even when they involve different places and victims. It also would streamline the process of reporting shopliftin­g incidents directly to prosecutor­s through a statewide program called “CAL Fast Pass.”

• Assembly Bill 1845 by Assemblyme­mber Juan Alanis, R-Modesto, is the only Republican bill in the package and would expand the California Highway Patrol's property crimes task force program to include cargo theft and railroad police.

• Assembly Bill 3209 by Assemblyme­mber Marc Berman, D-Menlo Park, would allow a court to impose a restrainin­g order for up to two years against a person who has stolen, vandalized or committed battery against an employee. It also would require the court to consider whether a person lives in a “food desert” and whether the store is the only location for necessitie­s.

•Assembly Bill 1779 by Assemblyme­mber Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks, is co-sponsored by the California District Attorneys Associatio­n. It would allow prosecutor­s to charge several offenses that took place across counties and handle them in a single court.

• Assembly Bill 1802 by Assemblyme­mber Reggie Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, would make permanent the California Highway Patrol property crimes task force. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón sponsored this bill.

• Assembly Bill 1960 by Assemblyme­mber Esmeralda Soria, D-Fresno, would enhance penalties for a person who takes or destroys property valued at more than $50,000. Supporters include the Merced County district attorney, the California District Attorneys Associatio­n and the Orange County District Attorneys Associatio­n.

 ?? RYAN FONSECA — LOS ANGELES TIMES ?? Toothbrush­es are among the many products that routinely get locked behind security glass — to deter thefts — at a Target store in Pasadena.
RYAN FONSECA — LOS ANGELES TIMES Toothbrush­es are among the many products that routinely get locked behind security glass — to deter thefts — at a Target store in Pasadena.

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