East Bay Times

Feds raided Giuliani's home, office looking for documents

- By Larry Neumeister and Michael R. Sisak

Federal agents raided Rudy Giuliani's home and office in 2021 because they suspected the former New York City mayor had sought the removal of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine partly because of the prospect of a financial reward from a Ukrainian official, according to documents made public Tuesday.

The documents provide new detail on the concluded investigat­ion into Giuliani's dealings with Ukrainian figures in the run up to the 2020 presidenti­al election. Giuliani, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, was not charged with a crime as a result of the inquiry.

In a search warrant applicatio­n, federal agents seeking to seize Giuliani's cell phones, laptop and other electronic devices raised the possibilit­y that he and three other people could be charged with acting as unregister­ed foreign agents.

The documents, unsealed at the request of The New York Times, confirmed past news reports that federal prosecutor­s in Manhattan were examining whether Giuliani had gotten anything of value in return for lobbying the Trump administra­tion to fire then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h.

The warrant applicatio­n said Giuliani had been “incentiviz­ed” to lobby for the ambassador's removal in two ways.

First, it said, the prosecutor general in Ukraine who wanted the ambassador fired, Yuriy Lutsenko, had offered to hire Giuliani to lobby the Trump administra­tion for help recovering Ukrainian assets he believed had been misappropr­iated by a U.S. investment firm.

“Giuliani was interested in being engaged to do that work, and proposed a retainer with a $200,000 upfront payment,” the warrant applicatio­n said. “Thus, it appears that Giuliani took steps to cause the firing of the Ambassador to prove ... what he could achieve.”

Secondly, the applicatio­n said, Giuliani wanted Lutsenko's help launching an investigat­ion that might hurt Trump's Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

Prosecutor­s noted that the proposed $200,000 retainer was never paid, but federal agents wrote that they believed Giuliani's worsening finances may have motivated him to consider the deal.

In their search warrant applicatio­n, they cited bank records and other informatio­n showing he'd gone from having about $1.2 million in the bank and $40,000 in credit card debt in January 2018 to about $288,000 in cash and $110,000 credit debt in February 2019.

Giuliani has said he also never lobbied the Trump administra­tion on Lutsenko's behalf. A message seeking comment was left Tuesday with Giuliani's spokespers­on.

 ?? JOSE LUIS MAGANA — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference at the federal courthouse in Washington on Friday. Federal agents raided the former New York mayor's home and office in 2021.
JOSE LUIS MAGANA — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference at the federal courthouse in Washington on Friday. Federal agents raided the former New York mayor's home and office in 2021.

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