East Bay Times

Pick up panettone in the Bay Area

This season, chocolate, multi-fruit flavors, and gluten-free cakes join the traditiona­l versions

- By Linda Zavoral lzavoral@bayareanew­sgroup.com

Panettone, the Italian sweet bread with the plush texture, has become a true holiday tradition in California. Scores of Bay Area stores import versions from Italy, and more and more bakeries are making their own, whether the beloved traditiona­l version studded with raisins and candied citrus or creations featuring hazelnuts, pistachios, chocolate, caramel, limoncello or other flavors.

This year we are highlighti­ng versions that are either locally made, locally inspired or new to the marketplac­e. We've also provided a list of shops that stock plenty of panettone, so you'll never have to show up emptyhande­d at a holiday party.

La Biscotteri­a

Baker and biscotti specialist Augustine Buonocore makes panettone year-round at his Peninsula shop, but he ramps up the offerings in December. Their bestseller is the 38-ounce Triple P (pineapple, papaya, pear). There's also a 38-ounce festively wrapped Classic Panettone and a 24-ounce Classic. If you want to score one, you need to purchase online and then pick up in person, wife Angela Buonocore says.

DETAILS >> $30, $35 and $40 from www.labiscotte­ria.com; 2747 El Camino Real, Redwood City.

Starter Bakery

East Bay baker Brian Wood is making two versions this season, using a mother yeast that originated in Italy and high-fat European butter. The

Classic Panettone is filled with California almonds, Italian candied orange peel, candied lemon peel and golden raisins, and the Chocolate Orange Panettone features Italian candied orange peel and 64% extra-bitter Guayaquil chocolate.

DETAILS >> $55 each at the cafe at 5804 College Ave., Oakland; advance orders recommende­d. Check website, https://starterbak­ery.com, for farmers market availabili­ty.


This Peninsula specialty grocer and farmers market is carrying two panettones handmade for the store by artisans in Verona, Italy. Sigona's specialty foods and cheese curator, John Nava, visited the maker, Sogno Toscano, selected the ingredient combinatio­ns and tasted the batches for approval. There's a Chocolate & Cherry Panettone, made with cherries, maraschino syrup and dark chocolate, and a Limoncello Cream Panettone. Both come in festive fruitdesig­ned gift boxes.

DETAILS >> Limoncello, $29.99, and Cherry, $39.99, at 2345 Middlefiel­d Road, Redwood City, at Stanford Shopping Center, Palo Alto; https:// sigonas.com/.

Mariposa Baking Company

This East Bay-based bakery has been serving the gluten-free community with breads and sweets yearround, for nearly two decades. Their classic panettone — a soft, sweet dough filled with raisins, candied citrus and almonds — is also dairy-free and soy-free. Limited quantities are

 ?? LAURA A. ODA — BAY AREA NEWS GROUP ARCHIVES ?? Bay Area panettone lovers will find Intriguing variations on the traditiona­l version, studded with raisins and candied citrus, in stores and bakeries this season. Some varieties are baked in house while others are imported from Italy.
LAURA A. ODA — BAY AREA NEWS GROUP ARCHIVES Bay Area panettone lovers will find Intriguing variations on the traditiona­l version, studded with raisins and candied citrus, in stores and bakeries this season. Some varieties are baked in house while others are imported from Italy.
 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF SIGONA'S ?? Sigona's specialty and farmers market, with two Peninsula locations, has its housebrand­ed panettone made to their specificat­ions in Verona, Italy.
PHOTO COURTESY OF SIGONA'S Sigona's specialty and farmers market, with two Peninsula locations, has its housebrand­ed panettone made to their specificat­ions in Verona, Italy.

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