Democrat and Chronicle

Corning museum free shuttle back in operation

- Jeff Smith

The Corning Museum of Glass shuttle service, which was discontinu­ed in May, is now designated to resume operations thanks to a generous gift from private donor Mary Spurrier.

The funding will enable the Museum to provide free transporta­tion between the Museum’s Welcome Center parking lot off Route 86, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Rockwell Museum, and historic Market Street during peak visitation months.

Brady Spaulding, Corning Museum of Glass spokespers­on, said the donation will support three years of service, for about five months during the 2024, 2025 and 2026 summer and fall tourist seasons.

“We are thrilled that this generous designated gift has allowed us to reinstate our courtesy shuttle for guests of both the Corning Museum of Glass and The Rockwell Museum during our busiest times, as well as community members who find the service beneficial,” said Karol Wight, CMoG president and executive director.

“The Museum is proud to be an integral part of the Corning community, and with the support Spurrier has provided, we can offer additional accommodat­ions for our guests including those with mobility restrictio­ns.”

The shuttle will travel the four-stop route, running continuous­ly during Museum hours of operation from around mid-May through mid-October in 2025 and 2026.

In 2024, the service resumed daily operations on Sunday, July 7 and will run through Oct. 31, Spaulding said. The service will be re-branded as the “Spurrier Community Shuttle” in recognitio­n of Spurrier’s substantia­l contributi­on.

Spurrier resides in Rochester, and recently retired as principal of M. Spurrier Financial Services, a full-service investment firm founded in 1995 to help women reach their financial potential.

She began her career with Merrill Lynch and was a trailblaze­r in the investment industry, becoming the first woman to be admitted to the company’s elite President’s Club. She is an ardent supporter of both the Corning Museum of Glass and the Rockwell Museum.

 ?? JEFF SMITH/CORNING LEADER ?? Visitors get free transporta­tion between the museum’s parking lot to other attraction­s.
JEFF SMITH/CORNING LEADER Visitors get free transporta­tion between the museum’s parking lot to other attraction­s.

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