Democrat and Chronicle


Each day of the CGI Rochester Internatio­nal Jazz Festival provides a bounty of choices for music lovers. Here are some options. For a full lineup and venue and time informatio­n go to rochesterj­

- Gary Craig

Jared Schonig

Jared Schonig is a busy man. A drummer, he’s a popular accompanis­t to many jazz vocalists. He also steers his own band while carving out time to be part of Broadway music ensembles. Currently he’s the drummer for the Tony-winning “Moulin Rouge! The Musical.” Oh, and he also likes to compose his own music while pulling together a coalition of exquisitel­y talented musicians to breathe life into his creations. “Two Takes Volume 2: Big Band” is his latest in those excursions. He also is an Eastman School of Music alum.

Dave Pietro Quartet

There is something intrinsica­lly hip — pardon me for showing my age with that descriptio­n — with the saxophone and those who can generate magic from the instrument. Dave Pietro qualifies as hip, or whatever the equivalent phrasing would now be. It’s no wonder he’s in demand; he has performed in 30 countries on five continents. The list of artists whom he has accompanie­d is vast and varied: Blood, Sweat and Tears; David Bowie; Ray Charles; Rosemary Clooney; and Harry Connick Jr., just among a few. He is also a member of the Grammy Award-winning Maria Schneider Orchestra. Schneider, of course, is another of the notable Eastman School of Music alums and her music is a constant revelation.

Giveton Gelin Quartet

Giveton Gelin is now only 24 years old but he plays the trumpet with a maturity and respect for his forebears in the jazz arena. This inner wisdom may blossom from the fact that he started with the trumpet when he was only 10 years old, learning not with tutors but instead by emulating the music and sounds he heard. A native of the Bahamas, Gelin moved to the United States to study at the Oberlin Conservato­ry. He left there after a year to attend the acclaimed Juilliard School, where he is now in his third year. Yes, he may still be a student, but he has clearly taken the lessons to heart. (The quartet returns Tuesday.)

Note: The Jae Sinett Trio, a recommenda­tion for Tuesday, also performs Monday night.

 ?? PROVIDED BY CGI ROCHESTER INTERNATIO­NAL JAZZ FESTIVAL ?? Giveton Gelin performs today at Montage Music Hall.
PROVIDED BY CGI ROCHESTER INTERNATIO­NAL JAZZ FESTIVAL Giveton Gelin performs today at Montage Music Hall.

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