Democrat and Chronicle

PAB names former schools superinten­dent as new leader

- Kayla Canne Kayla Canne reports on community justice and safety efforts for the Democrat and Chronicle. Follow her on Twitter @kaylacanne and @bykaylacan­ne on Instagram. Get in touch at

Rochester’s Police Accountabi­lity Board has named former city school superinten­dent Lesli Myers-Small as its next executive director.

In a news release Thursday, the PAB highlighte­d Myers-Small’s two decades of leadership experience in Rochester alongside a stealth commitment to diversity, equity and community building.

“Dr. Myers-Small is passionate about her work and commitment to the Rochester community and is eager to continue making a positive impact in her new role with the Police Accountabi­lity Board,” PAB Chair Larry Knox said.

Myers-Small will start on an interim basis Monday, pending a confirmati­on hearing by City Council next month. She takes over from Interim Executive Director Sherry Walker-Cowart, who has been leading the oversight agency since January 2023.

PAB picks Lesli Myers-Small as new leader

Walker-Cowart is credited for stabilizin­g the PAB after a period of tumultuous leadership. In 2022, the PAB suspended and then fired its first executive director, Conor Dwyer Reynolds, after a six-month investigat­ion into personnel complaints. The complaints were determined unsubstant­iated, but the board fired Dwyer Reynolds over confidenti­ality and policy issues.

Meanwhile, their first pick for an interim executive director, Duwaine Bascoe, was accused by PAB staffers of fostering a hostile work environmen­t. Eight employees were fired or quit under his watch. The board removed Bascoe from the post in November 2022, and he resigned from his role of acting chief of investigat­ions shortly after. Myers-Small faced her own tumultuous tenure as RCSD superinten­dent. She started during the pandemic and encountere­d a rocky and violent school year when students returned to the classroom in 2021. School and state officials rejected her school closure plan and budget proposal the following year. And in 2022, she was accused of sexual harassment by a member of her leadership team.

Myers-Small and RCSD negotiated an early exit in 2022, with two years left on her contract.

In a statement about her new role at the PAB, Myers-Small said she was excited about the opportunit­y to pursue public accountabi­lity and transparen­cy.

“I recognize the importance of a smooth leadership transition and I am committed to listening, learning, and engaging with various stakeholde­rs to drive our vision forward,” she said. “My focus will include relationsh­ip-building, governance, public affairs, and community engagement to enhance organizati­onal capacity and alignment.”

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