Democrat and Chronicle

The D&C has a new 19th Ward reporter: Meet Justice Marbury

- Justice Marbury

When people ask me what part of Rochester I’m from, I always tell them I’ve lived a bit of everywhere, but some of my most cherished memories, filled with laughter and warmth, were made in the 19th Ward.

My mom used to work the evening shifts for the state, so on Fridays, my younger sisters, Tisiah & Leilani, and I would go to my cousin’s house off Genesee Street. We would call her our “Friday mom.”

We did arts and crafts, helped with gardening, and strolled through Genesee Valley Park. Walking through the park, we watched people run with their dogs, heard cheering from nearby baseball and Frisbee games, and collected pine cones and rocks.

On Sundays, we’d leave the church at New Life Fellowship on Arnett, go to the Julep lady’s house across the street, and visit my great-grandparen­ts near Genesee Park Blvd. I remember chalk, jump ropes, and bikes waiting for us. When we were tired, we sat on their porch with Lipton green teas and waved to the neighbors as they passed.

I am Justice Marbury, the new 19th Ward Community Reporter at the Democrat and Chronicle.

When I was offered this position, I knew I wanted to do the role justice—no pun intended. I wanted to ensure that I delivered the stories about the community I know and love and the coverage they deserve.

Last week, I had the privilege of tabling at the Square Fair hosted by the 19th Ward Community Associatio­n. I met many of you and learned more about what makes our community unique. A few of my D&C colleagues and I handed out surveys, inviting you to share your story ideas and aspects of the 19th Ward you wanted to see reflected in our stories.

Your input is invaluable and will shape the narratives we bring to you.

The feedback and engagement were incredible, and we want to give readers a chance to do the same by scanning the QR code above. In the coming weeks, we’ll let you know when one of you suggests a story we write!

Justice Marbury is the 19th Ward Reporter. She loves her energetic puppy, Hiro. Contact her on Instagram @justice_marbury and by email at .

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