Democrat and Chronicle

Use of word ‘recruit’ in Tenn. abortion statute worries some

Foes: Language could restrict free speech

- Angele Latham Gregory Magarian

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Some free speech advocates are raising the alarm over wording in a new Tennessee law that could potentiall­y restrict a person’s right to speak about abortion health care.

The law, passed by Tennessee lawmakers this year and signed by Gov. Bill Lee on Tuesday, would make it a felony to recruit or transport a minor for an illegal abortion without parental consent.

The law closely mirrors a recent law passed in Idaho, which a federal judge halted on First Amendment grounds.

The legislatio­n targets an adult who “recruits, harbors or transports” a pregnant minor within the state for the purposes of receiving an illegal abortion, defined by Tennessee’s near-total abortion ban, or for getting abortion medication without notarized consent from the minor’s parents.

Free speech concerns from opponents of the law are heavily centered on the word “recruit,” which is not defined otherwise in Tennessee state law, and which they say could potentiall­y criminaliz­e speaking to a pregnant minor about health care options.

The law “raises concerning First Amendment issues, as the term recruits is not defined in the bill or anywhere in the Tennessee code,” said Bryan Davidson, policy director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee.

“The free expression implicatio­ns are troubling. It’s easy to imagine that there could be a reproducti­ve health clinic or a clinician, non-medical counselor or a social worker, anybody who provides informatio­n or options around abortion care and counseling to pregnant minors in Tennessee, who could potentiall­y have their free speech rights infringed upon.”

Gregory Magarian, a law professor at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis and a former Supreme Court judicial clerk, noted that even including the word “recruit” in the law was an unusual choice.

“We can look to a dictionary definition and find the meaning of the word recruit, but when you look at it in the context of this statute, it’s a sort of curious usage,” Magarian said. “We don’t normally think of ‘recruiting’ someone to get a medical procedure done, even if we’re talking about an elective medical procedure. If I told you I thought you might benefit from plastic surgery, we wouldn’t say that I recruited you to get plastic surgery. That’s a really strange and nonintuiti­ve use of the word. And so that’s why it’s really important to define words within their statutory context.”

Magarian added that the persistenc­e of lawmakers, in addition to the original writers of the legislatio­n, to not clarify the word recruit or add more defining language to it, could have a chilling effect on speech.

“It would certainly make sense from the standpoint of the legislatur­e to avoid this problem by defining the term clearly,” he said. “So that sort of opens up the question, ‘Well, why didn’t they do that?’ Why didn’t the sponsor on the floor not clarify this? The sort of cynical possibilit­y is that they wanted this term to be vague – and in the free speech context, the reason that we don’t like vagueness is the chilling effect on speech. It makes people self-censor. Maybe in this case, the legislatur­e wanted to chill speech around abortion.

“The less sinister possibilit­y is that (lawmakers) just really didn’t know what they were doing and what they were enacting because it was a model legislatio­n they picked up,” he said. “It might seem politicall­y expedient, at least before you start thinking about the constituti­onal implicatio­ns.”

James Bopp Jr., the general counsel for the National Right to Life Committee, which helped draft model legislatio­n on the issue, called the First Amendment concerns unfounded.

“There’s no confusion about that,” he said in an interview, adding that “nobody thinks” that the word “recruit” could include “just posting informatio­n” or speaking about abortion. The concern over the limitation on free speech rights under the law is not new. In Idaho in late 2023, lawmakers passed a nearly identical law to Tennessee’s version.

The law was quickly temporaril­y paused by a federal judge after three plaintiffs – a lawyer and two medical advocacy groups – sued Idaho alleging the law’s language is overly vague and violates their First Amendment right to discuss abortion with minors and their Fourth Amendment right to travel between states where the procedure is legal.

Republican state Sen. Paul Rose and state Rep. Jason Zachary sponsors of the legislatio­n, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

State Rep. Aftyn Behn, a Democrat, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the law.

Standing on the sidewalk in downtown Nashville, on April 10, Behn, along with members of Abortion Care Tennessee, held a large sign aloft emblazoned with bright purple letters reading “Need an abortion? We’re here to help.”

She later described the law as “dystopian.”

“I believe that this is a test case for what is deemed constituti­onally protected in an increasing­ly polarized kind of authoritar­ian environmen­t we’re seeing nationally,” she said.

According to Behn, when asked about the definition of the word recruit, Zachary suggested looking the word up in a dictionary.

“Zachary was asked by my colleagues as to how he would define the word recruit,” she said. “And he genericall­y pointed to a dictionary and said, ‘As it is in the dictionary.’ Which, you know, any dictionary, any definition is pretty broad as to what remains. And when you’re dealing with a civil liability of up to a million dollars and jail time, it seems to be pretty important to know what the word recruit means.”

Behn said the concern was echoed by multiple medical profession­als who spoke against the law.

“We had a few practicing pediatrici­ans and obstetrici­ans comment that even them talking to minors in a grocery store might be illegal,” she said. “They weren’t clear, for example, if they had a neighborho­od minor that came up to them and said, ‘I’m pregnant, we’re having issues,’ and whether they, as a trusted adult, would be protected under the law.”

Behn said the law highlights how Tennessee is “on the front lines of the most extreme, post-Roe, anti-abortion legislatio­n,” with some of the strictest abortion laws in the country.

Davidson of the ACLU said his organizati­on had been “watching the bill,” with special attention on the key difference­s in Tennessee’s bill that, in his view, make it more vague than Idaho’s.

“There is a key difference in our version of the bill versus the one that was (paused) in Idaho is that the Idaho statute requires concealmen­t from the minor’s parent or guardian as an element overall,” he said. “Whereas the Tennessee statute does not require concealmen­t. So the criminal offense in our version applies to a much broader array of activity, and I think contribute­s to an even more concerning sense of vagueness.”

Before it was signed into law, Davidson said this broader level of vagueness is what concerns the legal experts at the ACLU.

“They’re so vaguely written that it’s unclear how the law would be applied and enforced,” he said. “But what we see is that just the threat of enforcemen­t is enough to stoke fear and confusion and leads to self-censorship that has the ultimate effect of limiting access to vital reproducti­ve health care to folks that need it most.”

Both the Tennessee law and the Idaho law are based on model legislatio­n written by the National Right to Life Committee – the nation’s largest anti-abortion organizati­on that lobbies legislatur­es to end abortion access.

Bopp developed the model legislatio­n these bills are based on and said concerns over vagueness in the bill’s language – particular­ly the word “recruit” – are unfounded.

When asked why a key word in his bill did not need defining, Bopp reiterated that concerns over a lack of definition were “a complete lie.”

“That’s complete (expletive),” he said. “There are all sorts of words that are used in statutes that are not defined. … The Supreme Court, most of the time, is looking at dictionari­es to determine the meaning of words that are in statutes and have never struck down a statute based on vagueness, because a word was not defined in a statute.”

Upon inspecting court records, there have been numerous major U.S. Supreme Court cases that ruled certain laws as being “unconstitu­tionally vague” due to words not being defined, and references to the importance of clarity in laws dating back as far as James Madison’s Federalist Papers.

When asked how he defined the word “recruit,” written in his own model legislatio­n for the travel ban, Bopp read the definition of the word from and gave an example of what he considered illegal recruitmen­t – an example that included speech activity.

“You can see in the that it says ‘to recruit’ means ‘to get someone to join something,’ and the something here is to participat­e in an unlawful abortion,” he said. “You know, to go on campus and say, ‘ Hey, come on with us. We will take you to in our car to go get an unlawful abortion.’ ”

Bopp said he did not think the word needed clarifying in bills emulating his legislatio­n, which can be seen working their way through legislatur­es in numerous states.

“‘Recruit’ is more specific than just providing informatio­n,” he said. “The common definition of recruit is quite adequate.”

Bopp said opponents are “just making (concerns) up because they’re abortion advocates and trying to use the First Amendment as a weapon.”

William Brewer, head legal counsel and lobbyist for the Tennessee chapter of Right to Life, declined to comment on the free speech concerns but said the law was “needed to protect underage girls from being taken for a surgical procedure or given dangerous chemicals without their parent’s knowledge or consent.”

“It would certainly make sense from the standpoint of the legislatur­e to avoid this problem by defining the term clearly. So that sort of opens up the question, ‘Well, why didn’t they do that?’ Why didn’t the sponsor on the floor not clarify this? The sort of cynical possibilit­y is that they wanted this term to be vague.”

 ?? NICOLE HESTER/NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN FILE ?? Tennessee state Rep. Jason Zachary, R-Knoxville, is one of the sponsors of the legislatio­n that would make it a felony to recruit or transport a minor for an illegal abortion without parental consent.
NICOLE HESTER/NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN FILE Tennessee state Rep. Jason Zachary, R-Knoxville, is one of the sponsors of the legislatio­n that would make it a felony to recruit or transport a minor for an illegal abortion without parental consent.

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