Democrat and Chronicle

Uvalde families sue Meta, Microsoft and gun maker

- Skye Seipp

AUSTIN, Texas – Many families whose children were killed in the Robb Elementary School mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, two years ago are suing Instagram, the maker of the video game “Call of Duty” and an AR-15 manufactur­er, claiming the three played a role in enabling the mass shooter who killed 19 children and two adults in Uvalde in 2022.

The wrongful death suits were filed in Texas and California against Meta, Instagram’s parent company; Activision, the video game publisher; and Daniel Defense, a weapons company that manufactur­ed the assault rifle used by the mass shooter in Uvalde. The filings came on the second anniversar­y of the shooting.

A press release sent Friday by the law offices of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder PC and Guerra LLP said the lawsuits show that over the past 15 years, the three companies have partnered in a “scheme that preys upon insecure, adolescent boys.”

Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder is the same law firm that reached a $73 million settlement with rifle manufactur­er Remington in 2022 on behalf of the families of children killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

Meta, Microsoft and Daniel Defense did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

Salvador Ramos, the lone gunman in the Robb Elementary massacre, purchased the assault rifle he used in the shooting minutes after he turned 18, according to the release. Days later, he carried out one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, during which hundreds of law enforcemen­t officers waited more than an hour before entering the classroom.

The first lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, accuses Meta’s Instagram of giving gun manufactur­ers “an unsupervis­ed channel to speak directly to minors, in their homes, at school, even in the middle of the night,” with only token oversight.

The complaint also alleges that Activision’s popular warfare game Call of Duty “creates a vividly realistic and addicting theater of violence in which teenage boys learn to kill with frightenin­g skill and ease,” using real-life weapons as models for the game’s firearms.

Ramos played Call of Duty – which features, among other weapons, an assault-style rifle manufactur­ed by Daniel Defense, according to the lawsuit – and visited Instagram obsessivel­y, where Daniel Defense often advertised.

As a result, the complaint alleges, he became fixated on acquiring the same weapon and using it to commit the killings, even though he had never fired a gun in real life before.

The second lawsuit, filed in Uvalde County District Court, accuses Daniel Defense of deliberate­ly aiming its ads at adolescent boys in an effort to secure lifelong customers.

Last week, families of the victims announced a separate lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers who participat­ed in what the U.S. Justice Department has concluded was a botched emergency response. The families also reached a $2 million settlement with the city of Uvalde.

Several other suits against various public agencies remain pending.

Contributi­ng: Reuters

 ?? AARON E. MARTINEZ/AMERICAN-STATESMAN ?? Nineteen students and two teachers were killed during the May 2022 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.
AARON E. MARTINEZ/AMERICAN-STATESMAN Nineteen students and two teachers were killed during the May 2022 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

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