Democrat and Chronicle

‘Hometown Heroes’ banner campaign is planned in Victor

- Madison Scott

In preparatio­n for Memorial Day, the village of Victor will adorn its light poles with a “Hometown Heroes” Banner Campaign.

According to APD Memorial’s website, the American Legion James Cooke Post 931 Victor, NY, has partnered with APD Memorial to establish this campaign in honor of current active-duty military service personnel who have graduated from Victor High School or whose immediate family reside in

Victor or Farmington.

The banners will include the name of the active-duty military member, their branch or service, and a photograph. They will be on display for a set period each year the “Hometown Heroes” program is active.

“I think this is really important especially with Memorial Day coming up,”

American Legion Post 931

Finance Officer Bob Haggett said.

Haggett shared that they’ve already begun the process of hanging the banners around the village, aiming to have most, if not all, up by the holiday weekend.

APD Memorial’s website lists the eligibilit­y requiremen­ts as:

● An individual must be currently serving as an active duty service member in the U.S. armed forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force or Coast Guard) or have been deployed on active duty as part of the National Guard or active Reserves within the last 12 months.

● An individual must be a graduate of Victor

High School.

● Or an immediate family member of the nominee is a resident of Victor or Farmington (i.e., a copy of a utility bill) is required.

According to APD Memorial, applicatio­ns will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available openings are filled, a waitlist will be establishe­d. Online applicatio­ns are accepted through its website, https://www.cognitofor­ APDMemoria­l2/VictorHome­townHeroes­Banner CampaignAp­plication.

“I think this is really important especially with Memorial Day coming up,”

Bob Haggett

American Legion Post 931 finance officer

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