Democrat and Chronicle

Kia season on Rochester streets: Scary car theft trend

- William Ramsey

When the calendar turns fully into spring in Rochester, many things appear again, seasonally. Kia and Hyundai thefts and high-speed joyriding are one of those things, it seems.

Capt. Greg Bello said they are already seeing a higher number of such crimes compared to many past years. The rate of thefts might be slightly lower than 2023, though, which was a high watermark for car thefts.

Recently, a 2021 Kia Sportage was being driven down Lyell Street. It was the middle of the day, but troopers from State Police Rochester Gun Involved Violence Eliminatio­n Initiative thought it was stolen.

They tried to pull the Kia over and the driver fled, according to New York State Police. The chase lasted for several streets, ending at Seward and the driver ran on foot. The suspect was arrested. He was 15 years old.

“In general, (these stops are) high risk,” said Trooper Lynnea Crane. “Any time a vehicle flees from us, not only is it putting themselves in danger and us in danger, some unsuspecti­ng person going through an intersecti­on is at risk.”

The teen also had two active warrants from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for robbery in the second-degree and the Rochester Police Department for a family court offense, according to state police. The teen was issued a family court appearance ticket and was turned over to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

If you see someone breaking into your car or stealing it, don't approach them, Bello said. Just call 911.

Bello said Rochester Police Department was ready this summer to monitor car thefts.

Already on the streets of the city, with warmer weather, cars are at times speeding at extreme speeds — whatever the reason — going 20, 30 mph over the limit down some of the major roads like Monroe Avenue.

— William Ramsey is an editor with the Democrat and Chronicle.

 ?? GERMANO/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE JAMIE ?? Steering column damage to a Kia after it was stolen and later recovered.
GERMANO/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE JAMIE Steering column damage to a Kia after it was stolen and later recovered.

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