Democrat and Chronicle

Adirondack reserve’s parking system returns

Reservatio­ns required starting Wednesday

- Sydney Emerson

ST. HUBERTS — HikeAMR, the Adirondack Mountain Reserve’s reservatio­n-based parking system, will return for a fourth year Wednesday, operating through Oct. 31.

A partnershi­p between AMR and the state Department of Environmen­tal Conservati­on, the three-year HikeAMR program was created as a way to deal with increasing hiker traffic along state Route 73 in the town of Keene.

Though in its fourth year, the reservatio­n system is still considered a pilot program and is not permanent. DEC spokespers­on Lori Severino said that the program will be “re-evaluated at the end of the season based on overall use and program feedback.” This is similar to the program’s status at the beginning of the 2023 hiking season.

More than 15,000 people created a login on HikeAMR during its first season, from May to October 2021. By Labor Day of 2022, that number had more than doubled to more than 34,000 logins. As of Tuesday, more than 52,500 users have now registered with the system.

Reservatio­ns were up and cancellati­ons were down last year. The system accepted 16,971 reservatio­ns during the 2023 hiking season, up from 10,122 reservatio­ns in 2022. It saw 2,625 cancellati­ons in 2023, down from 3,801 in 2022, and the DEC said in a press release on Tuesday that “nearly all the canceled reservatio­ns (were) rebooked.”

New bookings for 2024 have already begun.

“DEC looks forward to continuing to work with the Adirondack Mountain Reserve to offer safe and accessible entry to this busy Adirondack corridor,” DEC Interim Commission­er Sean Mahar said in a statement. “This system improves public safety and supports equitable access and guaranteed parking for all outdoor adventurer­s visiting this area of unparallel­ed natural beauty.”

The reservatio­n system was updated over the years as more hikers took advantage of it. Hikers now get automated emails reminding them of their reservatio­ns 24 hours before their time slot, and in 2022, AMR installed an automatic one-way gate at the parking lot’s entrance.

The DEC implemente­d a roadside parking ban along state Route 73 in 2019 in an effort to address safety concerns. Facing mounting hiker traffic, though, parking lots and trailhead parking areas in Keene continued to overflow. Town shuttles running from parking lots to trailheads were pushed to their limits, forest rangers began writing an increasing number of parking tickets and some parked cars even had to be towed to restore normal traffic flow to Keene, which connects the Tri-Lakes to Interstate 87.

A committee created by the DEC in 2019 was asked to submit recommenda­tions for how to address hiker traffic in the High Peaks Region. The High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group recommende­d in its final report that the DEC consider parking passes or permits as an option to limit hiker traffic into wilderness areas. HikeAMR was the pilot for this program. Though the reservatio­n system has grown in popularity over the last few years, it is unclear if any other lots in the High Peaks will start to operate under similar reservatio­n systems. This pilot program has come under scrutiny from hikers for a variety of reasons, a chief criticism being the system’s limitation­s on the recreation­al use of state-owned, public land.

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