The Decatur Daily Democrat

Agendas released


Agendas for three meetings Tuesday were released on Thursday.

The Adams County Drainage Board will start their meeting at 9 a.m. at the Service Complex with a review of minutes from their previous meeting. Members will then review the Loblolly Watershed, Brewster Watershed, and Gerke Watershed followed by a discussion about the Wabash River.

The Adams County Commission­er’s meeting begins at 10 a.m. in the same room starting with reports from the auditor, engineer, highway department, building maintenanc­e, and treasurer being heard.

At 10:40 a.m., Michelle Lengerich, director of the Adams County Council on Aging will deliver an update on the first eight months of the Adams County Transit Public Transporta­tion program.

Under building and planning, commission­ers will consider a replat of lot two of the Scare Subdivisio­n in section 20 of Jefferson Township with the lot being located at CR 450 E north of CR 1000 S, and the Reinhart Family Subdivisio­n of section 30 of Root Township where two lots located at CR 250 W, north of CR 750 N is on the slate.

Reports from the county attorney and human resources will round out the event.

The City of Decatur’s Board of Works meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall with four items slated.

The Board will start by opening bids at 6 p.m. for remodeling the Adams County Economic Developmen­t Commission building at 138 N. Second Street. Other items for them include code enforcemen­t issues, the city police will be asking to open an applicatio­n process and building and zoning will discuss standard operating procedures (SOPs).

The Decatur City Council meeting starts 10 minutes following the conclusion of the Board of Works meeting. The Council will be asked to approve an event form for the Madison Street Plaza, and the police department will be asking for ARPA funds to begin a SOP program this fall.

The general public is welcome to attend any of these three meetings.

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