Dayton Daily News



The following health inspection reports are from Miami County Public Health.

McDonald’s West

Address: 1546 Covington Ave., Piqua

Date of inspection: Aug. 13

Violations/comments: Repeat, observed the following: ice buildup on grill reach in freezer; ice buildup on walk-in freezer. Discussed with person in charge that ice needs removed from equipment and equipment needs serviced. Repeat, observed non-food contact surfaces of equipment with debris build up. Ensure non-food contact surfaces are cleaned frequently. Repeat, observed inadequate amount of grout on floor throughout facility. Ensure grout is adequately added to floors.

Ks Hamburgers

Address: 117 E. Main St., Troy Date of inspection: Aug. 12 Violations/comments: Critical, person in charge unable to demonstrat­e knowledge of cleaning and sanitizing. At time of inspection, PIC unsure of how often the ice machine was cleaned. PIC not ensuring proper cooling. Stated unsure of time and temperatur­e requiremen­ts for cooling. PIC unable to demonstrat­e knowledge of temperatur­es and times for safe refrigerat­ion of food storage, hot holding, cooling and reheating. Corrected during inspection, critical repeat, refrigerat­ed, ready to eat TCS foods not properly date marked. Observed boiled eggs in a prep unit that did not have a date labeled on them. Properly labeled the boiled eggs.

Aces on 48

Address: 2334 S. Miami St., West Milton

Date of inspection: Aug. 14 Violations/comments: Critical repeat, employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibi­lity to report informatio­n about their health. No written procedures for responding to vomiting or diarrheal events. Corrected during inspection, critical, food not properly protected from contaminat­ion by separation, packaging and segregatio­n. Observed eggs being stored over ready to eat food. Discussed with person in charge that eggs are a raw product and must be stored below ready to eat food. Eggs moved to bottom shelf. Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at required frequency.

Observed unclean handles and gaskets on equipment in the upstairs kitchen. Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. Observed a buildup of grease on floors and walls under/behind equipment in upstairs kitchen. Did not have person in charge per shift with person in charge certificat­ion in food protection.

Brookdale Troy

Address: 81 S. Stanfield Road, Troy

Date of inspection: Aug. 13 Violations/comments: Employees not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibi­lity to report informatio­n about their health. Corrected during inspection, critical repeat, Observed blade of can opener and soda nozzles with food debris/grime accumulati­on. Upon informing person in charge, both were washed, rinsed and sanitized. Critical, observed presence of sewer gnats in dry storage area and area by mop sink. Observed antimicrob­ial fruit and vegetable treatment dispenser not properly adjusted, causing equipment to release incorrect concentrat­ion of solution. Discussed with PIC dispenser needs serviced in order to dispense the proper concentrat­ion.

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