Dayton Daily News

ScopeOut festival to focus on Saturn


The Cincinnati Observator­y will host its annual ScopeOut telescope festival Sept. 7, followed by a celebratio­n of all things Saturn on Sept. 14, or “Saturnday.” This date also coincides with NASA’s Internatio­nal Observe the Moon Night, a worldwide viewing party of the nearest celestial neighbor.

ScopeOut will feature dozens of telescopes from astronomy enthusiast­s throughout the region on display. Participan­ts will be able to investigat­e different types of viewing equipment and ask questions of their owners.

The observator­y will be holding a raffle of a telescope for kids and another telescope for adults during the event. Staff from the observator­y will provide informativ­e talks on telescope design, navigating the night sky, and the basics of astrophoto­graphy. Representa­tives from local astronomy societies and clubs will be present, including the Cincinnati Astronomic­al Society, the Warren County Astronomic­al

Society, the Miami Valley Astronomic­al Society, and the Morehead State University Astronomy Club.

ScopeOut runs from 6-10 p.m. Sept. 7 on the grounds of the observator­y. Tickets for admission will be sold at the door, $12 for adults and $7 for children. Night sky views of Saturn and other targets will be available after dark, weather permitting.

The following Saturday, Sept. 14, will showcase Saturn and the Moon with “Saturnday” and Internatio­nal Observe the Moon Night. In addition to talks on the ringed planet and its moons, this evening will include a wide variety of family friendly activities. A hula-hoop dancer will help kids do their best imitation of Saturn’s rings, participan­ts will be able to participat­e in a vote for coolest moon of Saturn, and observator­y staff and volunteers will provide a variety of craft activities for kids. Weather permitting, views of Saturn and the Moon will be available through the observator­y’s historic telescopes.

“Saturnday” will run from 7-10 p.m. Sept. 14 at the observator­y. Tickets will be $10 for children and observator­y members, $15 for non-members. Pre-registrati­on is available at cincinnati­observator­y. org, but walk-ins are welcome.

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