Dayton Daily News

Antani trades barbs with township trustees who called for resignatio­n

- By Eric Schwartzbe­rg Staff Writer Contact this reporter at 937-503-4745 or email eric. schwartzbe­

A state lawmaker is taking exception to local township trustees calling on him to resign.

State Sen. Niraj Antani, R-Miami Twp., spoke to the Miami Twp. Board of Trustees during the public comments portion of their regularly scheduled meeting last week after trustees last month called on him to resign for what they said was his unwillingn­ess to back requests for funding two special projects.

Antani, who represents the township, among other areas in Montgomery County, told trustees the additional $700 million of taxpayer money that was a state budget surplus and allocated to special projects statewide as part of the “One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund” — sometimes called “OTSCIF” — was “too much.”

“Usually, the pot is about $150 million,” he said. “This time it was that $150 million plus the $700 million, so $850 million. I did not feel that’s an appropriat­e use of taxpayer dollars.”

Antani said that had trustees called him to advocate for those projects, he would have explained that they didn’t get funded because of his opposition to OTSCIF. He said he didn’t receive any calls or emails from trustees expressing their displeasur­e with his position.

He said their call for his resignatio­n came “in the dark of the night” and “in a cowardly fashion.”

“Calling for my resignatio­n because you disagree with me? That feels a little harsh to me,” he said, noting he has disagreed with many of the things trustees have done. “I feel you all have failed on many accounts, but I haven’t called for your resignatio­ns.”

Trustee Vice President Terry Posey Jr. contested Antani’s assertions, saying “If you’re going to come in here and make statements, you’re rewriting history at this point.”

He lambasted Antani for not relaying to the board his position against spending OTSCIF money.

“You didn’t say ‘Just so you guys are aware, I’m not participat­ing in this,’” he said. “You didn’t say anything beforehand. The township expended money preparing plans so they would have an appropriat­e project to submit.”

“So to say that we didn’t communicat­e with you, you didn’t communicat­e with us,” Posey said.

Community Developmen­t Director Alex Carlson said attempts were made by city officials to reach Antani’s office, including multiple voicemails that were not returned.

“The one comment I received was the one word response of ‘received,’” Carlson said. “That’s all I got from Senator Antani after we submitted the applicatio­n packet was just ‘received.’ No additional comments, or questions or guidance were provided.”

He said he followed up with the office of State Senate President Matt Huffman, R-Lima, and received “a great amount of support and guidance.”

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